Some of that is true, but I think there is a lot more sex in the culture, not less. I really don't think that female ejaculation porn is integral to female (or male) sexual pleasure, and banning it isn't the same thing as marching into someone's bedroom and telling them what to do (though some really religious right-wingers do seem to support this).
And people are hardly loyal, even to the parties that they vote for... the real problem is a perceived lack of alternatives. The whole notion of an 'Obama cult' is one of many myths cooked up by the right to dehumanize the opposition.
I think there are elements of truth there but I don't think that there has ever been a time where government or society was totally immune to fascism... wherever power structures exist, there is the potential for fascism. But that doesn't mean that every single government action is preparation for a Stalinist attack on human dignity.
I am genuinely worried about the political situation that will arise when climate change begins to take a toll on the world food supply and terrorist organizations become an attractive refuge for the desperate.
A nuclear exchange between Pakistan and India is not out of the question... with China possibly being drawn into it as well-- and since they're one of the world's largest militaries, it's the very definition of scary.
Climate change may lead India to war: UN report - The Times of India
Fascism/strong leadership tends to be most attractive to people who feel their situation is dire-- it helped Bush win a second term in 2004, it helped Hitler win control of Germany, and it's currently on the rise in Greece as well.
Of course, things can go any way and the future isn't set.