karolinka99 said:
um "INDE" as for being afraid to get close to people (girls) i am with you on that...i can usually get guys that im interested in but keeping them is another story...! =( i usually freak and dont want them to find out what i weirdo i am (by weirdo i mean that i have issues with making conversation and being comfortable around people)- like example...i went on a date with this guy who worked at general pants ( you know those people who are just so extroverted and happy and loud) and it was fine but the whole time i was so worried that we were gona run out of conversation that i was so anxiety ridden!! =( as i result i never called him back or anything..=( i really liked him too.!!! argh i hate hate hate having this stupid SA...so annoying!
I'm a guy and find it difficult to become good friends with other guys basicly cuz I don't know how to act. I don't really feel like a guy, seem to feel more like an "other", something uniquely weird and out there.
karolinka99 said:
does anyone have issues with feelings of being inferior in some way to others? i mean like with ppl who are in power (like your boss) for example or people who you think are better looking or just more talkative than you? i seem to have this...i dont know whyy....i guess its just a lack of self esteem that i have developed =( i just shut down when ever someone like that is around me!
Yes, often I feel like a lesser person. I feel on the spot when I speak and generally don't make sense when I do. I feel if I'm not nice and if I don't do things for people they won't like me. I just feel dissconnected to other people, I'm not working and my social skills suck so I get indimidated. When someone asks about me and what is going on in my life, I just give the "nothing much answer" basicly because nothing is happening. I've been on this Earth 25+ years and still don't have a direction, I dissconnect from my family and don't have any close friends.
karolinka99 said:
Also i fear groups! one on one im fine..i can carry on a conversation (albeight a boring one...just like how's uni...how was your weekend...standard stuff..but at least i can function)! With a group of people i shut down again..and just smile and laugh when someone says something but hardly say anything..MAKES me feel SOOOO dumb!
Groups are a lot of work, I just feel out of place, comments are going so fast it's hard to know when to speak up. I just can't seem to relax, don't remember the last time I really had fun, even simple tasks are difficult to me. Does anyone else feel like no matter what they are doing or where they are they are suffering? It's like no matter what I'm doing I'd rather be doing something else, I just can't enjoy the moment I'm in, just wanting to escape. Escape to where I don't know.