could use advice on friend's drug addiction


This a is a guy that I was good friends with for a few years until him and his ex broke up.

The past few months I haven't seen much of him since his ex broke things off with him so I don't know what to believe. The ex, I'm still friends with and see her occassionally.

I haven't said anything to her about it because she's still emotional about the breakup and we're friends but not like really close or best friends.

When I saw him recently, I was hoping for us to have a conversation which lasted less than 2 minutes. He was in a hurry. He wanted money and gave him some. He's on a waiting list for drug rehab, that's what I have been told by him.

I just feel like Im getting taken advantage of....It's one thing if he's busy but we've hardly hung out as friends in the past couple months or talked about anything.


Well-known member
Don't give him money!!

He needs expert help. If he's 'in deep' maybe a commune or something like that could be best.

If he doesn't want to get better, there's little you can do...
Some people need to hit 'rock bottom' to get better...

It's awesome you want to help, shows you care, it's good to educate yourself about this, maybe check some websites and articles or talk to experts about it. Maybe see if there's a good local non-profit and if you can help there?

The most you can do is not let him 'bring you down' with him...
When drugs are involved, people can only see the drugs and the 'highs' and all else is forgotten, friendships etc too.. They can also be very charming and persuasive and can lie, steal or worse, if it gets bad..
Read 'Children of the Zoo Station' or such, there are some good books about it...
Hmm.. I'm not sure what the situation is exactly, but as a general rule, it's not a good idea to give money to people who're on drugs or have a gambling problem. I've some friends who've this problem.. giving money to them will only feed their habit usually.