Cost [utilization] of Hyperhydrosis treatment


I've been working at Big Pharma for almost 2 yrs now. Most of the work is behind the scenes stuff. It's interesting - QoL, Cost Utility, etc. Hyperhydrosis hasn't affected me that much professionally, other than the usual discomfort and occasional wet keyboard. (I have bad palm & feet HH). In order to move up, I would need to meet with clients, do presentations, and talk talk talk. All of which will make me sweat profusely. :(

So, I request the help of fellow HH suffers on some advice. I don't have medical coverage yet - hence the desire to move up the ladder. I obviously need to do deal with HH first. My budget is $60 CAD to get me started. How can I best allocate my limited resources? It's ironic I don't know what to do but without many academic papers to review, I'm at a loss. I bought a Fischer MD-1a long time ago and used it briefly (what a waste for me cuz I haven't used it for about 4 years because there's just absolutely no time. Want to sell it, actually). Does this seem like a reasonable start?
- $25 Avert/Robinul
- $20 Odaban
- $8 Mitchum antiperspirant

How else would you divy this up?

Thanks for your advice. If Big Pharma has HH specific drugs in the pipeline, I will be sure to post it.



Well-known member
you really need to make time for the fischer-have you done the initial treatments yet? If this problem is stopping you from progressing in life then you need to make time to use the machine. Get up 40 minutes earlier or something-anything, if you have time to watch telly or read at home then you can do this. Are you sure you have no time or just put off by the pain or it. Also why does odaban cost $20-thats about £10, i can get three for that much.


Thanks for the feedback.

HH said:
Are you sure you have no time or just put off by the pain or it.

It's a little of both, actually.
My sad existence (at least for the time being) is work. I don't watch TV nor read anymore, long business travels, commute 2.5 hrs a day. But I digress. Perhaps if I can get this new stable position, I will have more leisure time to use the machine. It's like the chicken and the egg.

The pain with the use of the machine was sometimes unbearable - especially in the winter when it gets really dry. Don't get me wrong. It was initially effective - I couldn't believe it! I stopped when I returned for more school. However, I restarted to use it again around 2 years ago, the efficacy dropped (or my HH got worse), even with increased ampere and table salt content.

HH said:
Also why does odaban cost $20-thats about £10, i can get three for that much.
I went to several local pharmacies and they've never even heard of it. I even asked the pharmacist to check the order catalogue but it wasn't even listed. No other choice but to order it online now. Unless our Canadian folks know of a place in Toronto?


Well-known member
Odaban didnt help for me on hands,either did sweat-stop forte.

I use idrostar now 1 time a week whith 90-95% dryness.The fingertips still sweat I use dehydral-cream for that and it works.I ordered it from canada,I you live there you could check it out because its not expensive.

But I think you just have to accept the fact that you have HH and if you want to do something whit it you have to set of time to start the iontotreatments again.And then stick to I,dont skip treatments then you have to start all over again.

Another thing,for me 10-13 mA is working better for me then 20-23 mA did.So you could try less strenght on the power to.

Just a advice you could try out?

Good luck anyway.Dont let HH drag you down from whatever you want to do.Fight it:)