New member
Hi everyone,
Who would have thought that having a simple conversation with somebody could be so difficult. It's more than just knowing what to say, its also a lot of non verbal stuff such as your timing the way you stand the expression on your face...its just too overwhelming for me.
It frustrates me when I see other people do it so effortlessly and here I am like a big baby struggling to put a few worlds together and keep my composure.
When I analyse other peoples conversations most of the time they talk about nothing serious its just everyday normal stuff...but thats something I can't do, I don't know how to talk about normal stuff my speech never flows its everywhere...its embarrasing.
Something I have also noticed is that I find it very difficult to talk about myself... If I am asked a question I give a short answer and quickly ask the other person a question about themself. So all of the time I listen to what other people have to say about their lives because I dont know how to talk about mine. I dont know how to describe events in interesting ways and I'm not funny or charming or witty.
It would be great if I could get some tips about having conversations and about how to talk about my life.
Oh My God I just realised something. Recently I went on a holiday with my husband and when I came back nobody in my family even asked me how my trip was or what I did.
Who would have thought that having a simple conversation with somebody could be so difficult. It's more than just knowing what to say, its also a lot of non verbal stuff such as your timing the way you stand the expression on your face...its just too overwhelming for me.
It frustrates me when I see other people do it so effortlessly and here I am like a big baby struggling to put a few worlds together and keep my composure.
When I analyse other peoples conversations most of the time they talk about nothing serious its just everyday normal stuff...but thats something I can't do, I don't know how to talk about normal stuff my speech never flows its everywhere...its embarrasing.
Something I have also noticed is that I find it very difficult to talk about myself... If I am asked a question I give a short answer and quickly ask the other person a question about themself. So all of the time I listen to what other people have to say about their lives because I dont know how to talk about mine. I dont know how to describe events in interesting ways and I'm not funny or charming or witty.
It would be great if I could get some tips about having conversations and about how to talk about my life.
Oh My God I just realised something. Recently I went on a holiday with my husband and when I came back nobody in my family even asked me how my trip was or what I did.