Conversation Tips - inspired by Shield's thread..

Some of you may have noticed the thread Title "1000 Rejections". Basically this guy said he was going to approach people and be rejected 1000 times. Now I'm not saying we should all make sure we get rejected but he has a brilliant point. You may be rejected by few but it will do you good in the long run (apparently).

I started this thread so that we could share ideas on conversation starters and conversation topics - something most of us struggle with. I'll name a few and everyone can just add on to the list! :)

1. Ask about their phone model, and ask if they'd reccommend it.

2. Ask if there's any local gigs on in the near future, and ask their opinion of the band/act.

3. Comment on something they're wearing or their hair or something, and take it from there.

4. DO NOT ask if you've seen them before - this is usually suspected as a chat-up line..

5. I'd avoid talking about the weather or negative things too- people talk about those too much so it just gets boring.

6. Unless you know they're in college or working - dont utter the words "what do you do?"


Well-known member
The intentions are good, however, you should choose your conversation starter based on your actual interests. It makes no sense to start a conversation about something you couldn't care less about. And this is where the real difficulty begins, because - unless you have truly common interests - it is unlikely the person will share them. General topics have their downside, too - they tend to be boring.

Provided you make a good first impression by asking confidently and openly about a topic, you will most definitely fail in the long run by not being able to sustain the conversation - simply because it doesn't interest you.
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The intentions are good, however, you should choose your conversation starter based on your actual interests. It makes no sense to start a conversation about something you couldn't care less about. And this is where the real difficulty begins, because - unless you have truly common interests - it is unlikely the person will share them. General topics have their downside, too - they tend to be boring.

Provided you make a good first impression by asking confidently and openly about a topic, you will most definitely fail in the long run by not being able to sustain the conversation - simply because it doesn't interest you.

Good point! You need to be interested as well as making them interested. And hey, if you've no knowledge about one of their passions or hobbies ask them questions about them in order to find out!


Well-known member
Good point! You need to be interested as well as making them interested. And hey, if you've no knowledge about one of their passions or hobbies ask them questions about them in order to find out!

Asking them questions about their hobbies is a good idea, but your interest in those activities should be sincere. The deception will shine through, and that's not the kind of impression you want to give off. So, it makes no sense to ask what kind of music they like, if you have virtually zero interest in music.