Continuation (Sorry to all the shy people)

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I don't understand why my thread was closed.
I was simply sharing my opinion on a situation.

No offense, but I am pointing out the truth, shy guys especially? you come off as being a jerk. I have no idea why this is any of surprise to you. Because you know this already. I'm just simply saying, if a girl is interested in you, and you like her and whatnot don't shy away from her. And don't avoid her either because we take that to heart, cause we are sensitive. I mean you hate being rejected? So why give off the same rejection to someone that could potentially be really good for you?

You need to think about how it feels for someone to put themselves out there for you because, not many girls have enough balls to even come up and talk to a guy. In fact all my friends were shocked and in awe of what i did. Because they don't do things like that? They wait to be pursued, and they never get anywhere.

All I'm saying is, don't brush a girl off like that. It's rude, really insensitive, to behave that way. Even if you 'don't mean to' Be aware of how you act. Then maybe you will finally get the girl of your dreams.


Well-known member
We have social anxiety, not merely shy.

You should probably delete this before a mod comes along.


Well-known member
Of course it's nice when girls make the first move, but if the guy you're approaching isn't interested in you, then he has to reject you. I'm sure you've rejected plenty of guys who were interested in you over the years because the feelings weren't mutual.

Quiet Angel

Well-known member
I can understand where you're coming from, but don't take anything personally if these "shy guys" appear to reject. It's nothing against you. It's their own problem...but be respectful to them because I believe they're trying their best.


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