Computer games?


Oh my yes, I definately consider myself a gamer. What better way to experience things without the aid of other people than a video game :p Big rpg fan, FF junkie, and oddly enough I play World of Warcraft. Though I tend to play either with my sister or by myself, don't like grouping ^_^;; But, yeah, you're not alone in that :p

ps. Halo rocks. /agree


Gaming is all I do when I'm not sleeping 8O That might sound awesome at first, but when you realize it's mostly to keep my mind out of reality it's not that good :lol: I have tons of games dating back from the Atari 2600 days up till modern consoles :D As far as pc games go I just quit World of Warcraft after playing it for over a year ( I'll be back to it eventually just don't have the time to dedicate to end game raiding at the moment :roll: ).


Well-known member
Yea I play games all the time.Probably to much. :lol: :lol:

I been playing Heroes of Might and Magic V and multiplayer games of F.e.a.r which is the best.