Computer games?


Okay ive posted a lot of questions about sa/sp, and thought it would be good just post a general one.With not getting out much (well at all :cry: ).I tend to play a lot of games for my pc. Just intrested to hear if anyone else does and what games you play if you do.

Some of the games i play are

Half life2
Counter strike source ( i so kick ass at this :twisted: )
Rome total war
Unreal tournament 2004


Well-known member
I wouldn't consider myself a 'gamer' as such, but I don't mind playing every now and then. I've played through half-life 2, but I got bored with doom3 half way and gave up on it.

Sims2 is fun, you ever played that? I gotta be careful how often I play it... I can get hooked on it for hours at a time. There's just something oh-so cool about being in total control! :twisted:


Well-known member
I play more videogames than computer games (I'm a Nintendo lover), but my favorite comp games are probably the Roller Coaster Tycoon games. My favorite type of game is racing games, so I play Need For Speed on my comp sometimes...although racing games on a system are better because the controls are better in my opinion. Occasionally I play Warcraft III, although I'm terrible at it...and haven't played it in a couple of months. I tried The Sims, but I could never really get into it.


Games have been an escape for me, espeically within the last month and a half. It takes your mind of off things...but I have found out doing that excessively only sweeps the problem under the rug, and not confront it.

I find myself doing that with books...anything I can do to concentrate or think on other things.

I've gamed since I was a child...I'm 25 now, raised during the Atari days.


Well-known member
ummm i am deffinately not a gamer and this isn't a pc game but my bf's sister got an x-box with halo 1 and i'm addicted. but that's the only game i play...


The atari days!

Bonifide, I remember the atari days! they were great huh? But i think you made a really good point about ur not confronting ur problems when u spend ur time playing computer games or whatever you do to well...... distract ur self from reality i guess.Oh yeah and chilling echo.. Halo kicks ass :wink:


Well-known member
i beat the game on two player but i don't think that we started the game at the beginning b/c we play play play over a couple of days and then BOOM it's done. and plus my b/f said the last part was back at the beginning and i had never seen it before. i was so mad. oh well :D :D


Well-known member
RPGs are my thing- Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic and the Final Fantasy series.



Icelad im not really into rgs's anymore, but Baldurs gate2 is one you should seriously check out if ur into them,Joerandomuser i played the sims for like 10mins and found it amusing to starve them to death but that was about it :twisted: .Chilling echo i think you did well, I never finished halo cos i get frustrated when i get lost and have nothing to shoot at :(


I used to play Final Fantasy games a lot. I got sucked into the storyline and Id play for like days at a time. It not healthy to play that much. I can't seem to get into games like that anymore though


New member
I have like over 250 games... me, a gamer? no, not at all... :p I play mostly FPS (on PC, like Half-Life 1 & 2, Doom3, Unreal, Serious Sam, etc.) and RPGs (on console, like Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Breath of Fire, etc.)

I guess I became a gamer because I never go out either, so you're not the only one Danfalc :p


Well-known member
Gamer? Dude, you're an addict! :lol:

Serious Sam was a fun game... REALLY fun. I like the fact that it didn't take itself too seriously ('scuse the pun); they concentrated on just making the gameplay fun rather than having it ultra-realistic. That made it a winner in my book.


Well-known member
Another console gamer here, prefered the middle-ground that was the SNES...ahh, zelda, yoshi and mario kart. Also love exploration games like Tomb Raider and Metal Gear Solid.

Final Fantasy 7 kept me happily addicted for almost a month, what an amazing storyline. And was it just me or did anyone else hear the FF7 theme tunes in their head as they went to bed/woke up? A sure sign of addiction. 8O


Active member
I've been playing console & computer games as my main hobby for years and years, but mostly out of lack of imagination for anything else to do :/
I have sooo many console RPGS but am finally finished with that queue.. tried to play Final Fantasy Origins this weekend, which my husband bought ages ago but neither of us played, but just can't see the point to it. Waste of $$$ there. I'm also looking to toss a bunch of PC games as so many are similar to each other and frankly did not play much; might as well cut the clutter.

I suppose I've finally outgrown games, or lost faith in their originality, and will probably only buy Final Fantasy XII (out of habit) and Spore in the next year. I need something more stimulating but not sure what to do :( :(

Oh and I'll probably subscribe to Everquest II (Sigh) so I have something to do when my husband is busy hacking.


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EQ 2

Hey Turtle girl join the Lucan D'lere server, my character Pelenor is on it.If you decide to play :D


Well-known member
yea I love counter strike: source and Half life 2. I think games are a bit of a dilema for me. If Im bored its easy to play a game and then Im not bored...but its not helping my anxiety...i think these games are anti-social and are having a negative effect on my life. Id rather spend time with people than in a computer game...but people trigger my anxiety and games its a bit of a Catch-22.


Active member
Untill recently i played half life 2, x3 reunion, elder scroll oblivion but half my ram has died so im down to 512mb >.< now i play gta san andreas, legend of mir 3, command and conquer generals: zero hour, diablo 2 (classic) warhammer 40,000 dawn of war + winter assault. I love to game as it pass's the time in my boring little life a little faster ^.^