Common Food Allergies + NLP


Have any of you considered you might have a common food allergy...e.g. potatoes or some very common staple diet food ?Get an allergy prick of blood sent to a lab that does that kind of thing.

I found my blushing decreased significantly when I exercised a lot ,reduced my CARBS and ate smaller meals,eliminated coffee or any drink with caffeine...also chocolate !Spicy food can set it off .

Try eliminating one staple food per week to see what happens with your condition.

Also, there is a term from NLP called anchoring which means you have an experience and link it to a person or location..this can become a good thing or bad thing depending on what was imprinted.As can future pacing...imagining blushing at the immediate event you are going to...the mind cannot ignore negative input

I'm going to pursue an NLP cure for my condition.

Check out my Micro ETS warning on this forum


Well-known member
2bfree said:
Have any of you considered you might have a common food allergy...e.g. potatoes or some very common staple diet food ?Get an allergy prick of blood sent to a lab that does that kind of thing.

I found my blushing decreased significantly when I exercised a lot ,reduced my CARBS and ate smaller meals,eliminated coffee or any drink with caffeine...also chocolate !Spicy food can set it off .

Try eliminating one staple food per week to see what happens with your condition.

Also, there is a term from NLP called anchoring which means you have an experience and link it to a person or location..this can become a good thing or bad thing depending on what was imprinted.As can future pacing...imagining blushing at the immediate event you are going to...the mind cannot ignore negative input

I'm going to pursue an NLP cure for my condition.

Check out my Micro ETS warning on this forum

Food thing helped my blushing so much - also exercise. Never tried NLP