college freshman saying hello

Hello everyone, I just found this website on my way to class today.

I am a entering freshman at VT and i have been diagnosed with Social Anxiety and depression, along with some other stuff. I just waned to say Hi to everyone. I have read some of the forums already and found myself deeply connected because I see the same stuff in me.

(even on the internet i experience SA, it took me 15 min to finally hit submit)


Well-known member
Hi. :)
i'm a college freshman with SA & depression too.
it can be hell sometimes can't it?

anyway, just so you know, i'm in the same unfortunate boat as you.
hey I`m a college freshmin with SA too! Just a word of advice: If you`re living on campus and your room mate invites you out, DO IT! It will only do good for your SA and the more you go out, the smaller it will become
I try to get out, but when i got to a party i always find myself sitting on the sidelines....

I guess i am very lucky because i found this friend (who is a girl) that thinks my SA is interesting. She likes to hang around with me, but i think she is trying to cure my SA. She keeps asking me questions that a doctor would ask and such.