Cognitive behavioural therapy


Staff member
yup I do it, I bought a book on putting CBT into practice and things really improved thereafter.

It is not an easy therapy to put into practice and requires a hell of alot of dedication


Well-known member
CBT worked for me, but it DOES take a lot of work, and you have to keep doing it everyday for it to work.


Well-known member
Yep. I think it helped a lot.

I think the reason behavioral therapy fails for some people, besides maybe getting a bad therapist, is because they didn't choose to go to therapy on their own volition and/or they're not willing to try - they think the psychologist is supposed to cure them like a doctor cures a headache or a broken bone, and that's not the way it works. They're there to help you make your own decisions and to help you think rationally for yourself. YOU have to do the effort, they're just there to help you realize what your possibilities are. They act as your better conscious and your thought organizer, not as your fairy godmother.

It's a hard, long road but if you get with a therapist you feel comfortable around, and you're willing to try and communicate (tell your therapist what progress you make, or why you failed if you tried something), I think it's extremely beneficial.
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Well-known member
I'd like to do it, but it's not really available in my country, that I know of. Maybe in the big cities here and there.