Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Blog

Friday 27th November 2009

Hey! Since there's no blogs on this site I thought it'd be a good idea to just use a post here and update it as I go along (that way I won't be spamming the forum).
I'm starting Dr. Richards CBT course today. So to avoid me losing motivation I'm goin' to make a blog type thing about it which will be updated every friday from now.
This week focuses on learning to talk slowly to slow down my thinking and calm myself down. I also have to train myself to stop negative thoughts. The worksheets are helpful enough because they give a good list of distractions.
Apparently singing is a great technique to stop negative thinking, because we think and sing with opposite sides of the brain apparently.
I think he may be onto something 'cause i know Paul McKenna makes you sing in some of his NLP craving buster methods...

Wish me luck!!!

Monday 7th December 2009

Okay, so I was a bit late in updating this, as ye have probably noticed. Finding it hard to stick with CBT since I'm ALWAYS getting distracted... Here's my review of last week:
The singing technique was a bit effective alright. It doesn't completely get rid of your anxiety but it takes your mind off it for a while. Apart from that I don't think I'm making much progress just yet. I've a problem with committing to the programme because Of distractions and fear that my housemate is outside my room listening to me..
The slow-talk, I'm finding almost impossible! I'm told to slow down my speaking rhythm to a speed where I notice the difference but others don't - but i'm not to use it in public 'til I'm comfortable enough. How can i be comfortable if i dont know if I'm speaking too slow or not? It doesn't help thet my speaking speed varies either does it? I do like the way he tells you a list of positive rational thoughts to replace the negative ones. I'm trying to cement them into my brain. I know they'll save me some day. Although there's no improvements showing up yet, and i seem to be getting worse before i get better im adamant to get through the full CBT series.
I also decided I'm gonna lose weight - hopefully 2 dress sizes so i can shock everyone when i go back to training in February - i'll throw my progress with that in here too. I know it can really improve my self image. Oh and interesting fact - i found out ive officially had SA all my life! o_O

I'm beginning week 2 properly today. It involves the same as last week, as well as more thought stoppage and a relaxation track. I listened to it once and fell asleep so i think thats a good sign! Also I'm gonna REALLY attempt to get the hang of slow talk. A guy i started talking to online (not this site - and he doesn't know I've SA) is gonna ring me and tell me about his crazy weekend. So I'm gonna attempt to answer the phone and have a FULL conversation in slow-talk! Fingers crossed this week see's some sort of positive change!
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Well-known member reading overcoming social anxiety by gillian butler at the moment its based on cbt to.its hard


Active member
I just started a thread in the social anxiety forum asking for the steps of CBT since I can't afford therapy. I think I should of put it in this forum, oh well.

Good luck. I'll be reading this blog and trying some of stuff you post myself.
Thanks guys!
Good luck to those of ye trying CBT - Let me know how it goes. :)
Thinking of being brave and throwing in exposure therapy. I haven't heard much reviews about it though!


CBT stands for cognitive behavioural therapy. The basic approach is about looking at how your thoughts, interpretations and beliefs (ie cognitions) and your behaviour feed your social anxiety and keep it going.
CBT uses various different techniques and skills to help you make changes to your behaviour and cognitions which in turn help you manage social anxiety. You can find out more about CBT by watching this video: YouTube - CBT expert
or reading our factsheet about CBT: Fact Sheets about Social Anxiety & Alcohol - Combined Alcohol & Social Phobia treatment program - Centre for Emotional Health - Macquarie University

Alexfangirl you mentioned that you can't afford therapy, but there are some free treatment options. At Macquarie University it Sydney Australia we offer free professional CBT as part of our clinical trial. Read more here: Home - Combined Alcohol & Social Phobia Treatment Program
There are similar options in the US, such as this research trial of therapy over the internet: Drexel University Social Anxiety Treatment Program

Have a look and see if it helps! all the best


Active member
I have been doing exposure therapy without even realizing the name for it...

Just introducing myself to things little bits at a time. So far, it has been slow going, but has worked quite well for me. I can at least hold a one-on-one with someone with no problems now. Before I couldn't really do that. I'm not nearly as uncomfortable with groups now. Still uncomfortable, but not as bad.

Started out just smiling and saying "hi" to strangers. Worked my way up from there.

Be brave. Give it a shot. You will never know until you try, and if it doesn't work for you, then you can't say you didn't try.
I'm working on eye contact at the mo - though dont think exposure therapy will work, cause everywhere i go i get insulted by strangers....even just for walking!! I must've been a serial paedophile rapist in a past life.. :(
Gave up on the Dr. Richards series (for now) cause theres too much commitment involved. I'm going to start on Paul McKenna. I know he's good and tht NLP works for me, cuse i did his weight loss thing for two weeks and lost 4 pounds (which is a rare occurance for me).
I'm starting his weight loss book (90 Day Success Journal), and joining the gym on Tuesday. It has a few confidence techniques in it too, so that will really help!!
Also gonna strt his book Change Your Life In 7 Days - it sounds like it'd be useful for SA sufferers. Well, the first chapter definitely is since it focuses on self-image.

When I'm finished those two books im gonna start Supreme Self Confidence, Super Strength Self Esteem, and Easy Weight loss..

So yeh, ive quit CBT (for now) and I'm gonna get crackin' on NLP. Must start a blog and record my progress on SAUK!