

Well-known member
Does anyone know anything about this medication. I'm scared to take it at a high dose. I've been supposed to take it lately but haven't. Does it have any bad side effects to it?


Well-known member
Hi Biotech56,

I have been on clonazepam for awhile now, the only side effect i have had are drowsiness and it can be very addictive (more so than xanax). I was taking .5mg twice a day but have cut it down to once a day.


Well-known member
I was on a high dose at first too. I did a lot of things i could never normally do because of it. Just be careful with it...


Well-known member
How tired can you get from the clonazepam? When I get to school I don't want to feel like I've been knocked out or something.


Well-known member
I had to take afternoon naps when i first went on it. It might be different for you though. Don't let anyone at school know your on it because apparently this drug is snorted like cocaine in prisons, well that's what my doc said anyway.


When it comes to clonazepam, or any benzodiazepine, its going to make you tired for about a week until your body gets used to it. After that, they just relax you. I was on clonazepam for a long time at the same dose you're supposed to be taking it, then I switched to Xanax because it started to lose its effectiveness. I switch back and forth so I don't have to take massive amounts of them to get the desired effect. The only real difference I see between Xanax and clonazepam is that the latter lasts a lot longer. Hope I helped.



Well-known member
I find that doses of clonazepam 2mg or lower don't produce drowsiness in me but do help me sleep a little (I've got insomnia). However if I go higher it dose make me drowsy and if I take 4mg, I get really drowsy and the strange part is I start to have trouble differentiating reallity from dreams. I took 4mg only one time and I stupidly drove on it got in a minor finder binder when my car slid on the wet roads, and I thought this was all a dream, untill a few days latter I says the dent on my car from it.


Well-known member
Yah I'm on 1 mg. 3 times a day and so far nothing bad has happened. Not even that tired either.


When I take clonazepam, I take it 1mg 3x daily. When I take Xanax, I take 1mg 4x daily. Believe me, these drugs are some of the safest known to man when used correctly.



Well-known member
So far I haven't had any success in bringing down my anxiety when on the clonazepam. Should I switch to something else.


Yes tell your doctor its not helping much and he'll prolly switch you to another benzo like xanax or ativan. However, don't expect these things to be magic little pills that save your lives. You need to challenge yourself to get over these anxiety issues. Take small steps in overcoming your social fears and the benzos will help, but they won't "fix" you. Their part is just to relax you while you get yourself into a solid social life. Some people never even find a solid social life, but benzodiazepines will only help you as far as you're willing to go in your path to overcoming anxiety.
