Child Molestors...


Simple. You take all child molestors, serial killers, mass murderers, spree killers, "typical" murderers, rapists, and any other sick or twisted violent/sexual offender and you first enslave them in our corporate sector forcing them to do tough jobs for no pay. After a few years of service to our economy, you then take these offenders, shoot them, drain them of their blood (for blood donation services) and harvest their organs (for people in hospitals who need them). It would be perfect! I'm sure with the amount of sexual predators and violent criminals behind bars in North America today, this would be of great help to both our economy and our hospitals. It may even lower crime rates 8O ! I'm just kidding though!.......not really.


Well-known member
^ LOL i found that amusing :lol: , but yeah . . . . . . . Sad thing is some of those criminals you've mentioned can have social anxiety too :(


You liked it? I'm glad! That's a relief. I was worried people wouldn't take too kindly to my rather morbid sense of humour. I sincerely hope I didn't offend anybody. I was just joking......maybe....... Oh, and I don't know if many of those criminals have social anxiety. This is mainly because in your typical serial killer profile for example, many (not all) tend to blend into society almost too well. They seem "abnormally normal". In short, they tend not to show any anxiety at all when in public. In fact, it has been found (well at least according to wikapedia and the crime library, I'm too lazy to source right now) that many of these criminals have lower levels of anxiety than most people! In my personal experience, people that I've met who have social anxiety tend to be the most interesting, kindest and most considerate people around. They would never turn to a life of crime or become murderous monsters!


Well-known member
You liked it? I'm glad! That's a relief. I was worried people wouldn't take too kindly to my rather morbid sense of humour.

Morbid sense of humour?. That sounds like your "sense of humour" is something tough but valuable, maybe difficult to understand and accept for those ordinary simple minded people who don't have the guts to say thigs as they are...right?

Well it's not. For one thing your "sense of humour" sucks. You sound like a Nazi. People LIKE YOU are a menace for the planet earth and the well being of your own society. People like you, with your deep unspoken desire to inflict harm and pain to those few others that are weaker than you in society, such as those with extreme mental diseases (you don't feel the same impulses toward someone, say, bombing some village "by mistake" from their fighter plane and, say, depriving a few children of their limbs or eyes in the process. Ah yes, you had forgotten to mention, sure.) are MORE DANGEROUS than any child molester, because even though individually they may not commit crimes, they approve of them and when assembled, they constitute a mass in favour of those who perpetrate them. The holocaust was possible because millions of people like you helped it to come about, excited by the prospect of letting their long nurtured hate find a practical outcome in a bloodshed. Ayatollah Komeini, when establishing islamic law in Iran, certainly had plenty of support from millions eager to see their principles of "justice" (brutally) enforced. You are no different.

Punishment in a modern society is a means of avoiding the repetition of a crime by providing a deterrent. Detention, besides being a deterrent in itself, has the additional desiderable effect of removing the criminal from society, temporarily of for life, so that it can be prevented from causing further damage. In some countries (mine for one) it is also meant to attempt correction trough education, often unsuccesfully, sometimes successfully. That's all there is to it. If you like it otherwise, and feel the orgy of bloodshed to be more of your taste, you have two options:

1 Move to sub-saharan africa or some arab country. Most have progressed much beyond your ideal state of justice administration, but there are still a few lucky places where thieves have their hands cut off, killers are hanged in the main square in the middle of a cheerful crowd, unfaithful women stoned to death etc...

2 Wait until there are enough people like you in your own country. You will see how good it is.


It is true Quixote. I am indeed a danger to everyone around me and to society itself. I have a deep rooted desire to inflict pain upon others merely for my own enjoyment. My "morbid sense of humour" is in fact a perverse way in which I express what I would truly want society to bring about. I would not be suprised if I turned out to be the 3rd anti-christ. In fact, I already have a plan to eventually destroy the worlds democracies and plunge the human race into 1000 years of my barbaric, totalitarian rule. Have you ever read a certain short story that dealt with a rather ridiculous way to alleviate the Irish Famine? Well probably not, but it was meant to be a satire written as if it were a serious proposal. The authors SARCASTIC :evil: suggestion to relieve the plight of the Irish was to reserve a certain segment of newborn babies to be used as nutritious meals for the poor. Absolutely unrealistic, morally incorect, and downright hideous. But he wasn't being serious. Oh, and he didn't turn out to be Satan living in human form. So before you go acusing me of being A VERY BAD MAN :x who is the cause of all misery in the world and does not care about "people being blown up by accident in random villages" try to realize that I was not being serious 8O ! I'm sorry if I offended you or made you cry :( . In fact, reading your response I cried myself (all over my keyboard!). Now I will need a new keyboard to continue on my quest to destroy all of civilization by posting my "morbid sense of humour" on the off topic section of social phobia world.

Oh, one more thing, did you have to be so hateful towards me for posting something that wasn't meant to be taken seriously? Wow, "menace to planet earth itself", you got me spot on there. "Depriving a few children of their eyes and limbs", I'll admit to depriving maybe one or two children of their eyes or limbs, but no more than that! "More dangerous than a child molestor", that goes without saying seeing as how I've never gotten into any fights in my life let alone molested a child. "The holocaust was possible because millions of people like you helped it come about", I won't argue with you there seeing as how one of my best friends is Jewish (I'm not kidding, he is and he's a great, fun loving guy) and my brother is autistic. "Wait until there are enough people like you in your own country. You will see how great it is", so wait until there are a bunch of people who never start fights, are incredibly hard-working, like to keep in shape, have strong morals, never break the law, are reasonably smart, abhore violence in real life (once again mister Quixote I was just kidding about the whole "death to the criminals" thing :roll: , but not really :) , there see I was sarcastic and kidded with you again :lol: !) and are respectful of everyone they meet......except the kind of people that take jokes too seriously.... yah that country would be a ceasepool of crime, corruption, violence, and profanity. In short, lighten up a little and please realize that I was just kidding......not really......actually I was......damn I am the 3rd anti-christ 8O !


Well-known member
Claude, I had it perfectly clear that you were "joking" and trying to be "sarcastic". The fact is, humour and especially sarcasm are often used to convey a message or a strong moral opinion between the lines. Just as an example, if one says "all politicians should be jailed a couple of years before they take office, so as to pay for the crimes they will certainly commit while in charge" the person is obviously joking and being sarcastic, as jailing innocent politicians is not feasible, but in doing so he is also expressing a strong opinon on the state of the political scene in his country.

Your choice to sarcastically advocate extremely violent methods for dealing with crime, even if it's done as a harmless joke, suggests that you are not entirely happy with the current way of administering justice in your country. It suggests that perhaps you would not be entirely unhappy to see *some more* violence used against crime, and *some less* emphasis put on the respect of human rights, especially when it doesn't affect you directly. Perhaps you wouldn't be too much concerned if you heard, say, of some child molestor being lynched by the crowd instead of being properly put under trial. The problem is, when a lot of people start reasoning like this, it's not long before somebody gives them a political voice.

As for your claim of being part of

a bunch of people who never start fights, are incredibly hard-working, like to keep in shape, have strong morals, never break the law, are reasonably smart, abhore violence in real life

I completely believe you, but you see, so were millions of respectable law-abiding german citizens in 1933, when they elected their new chancellor on the basis of a "law and order" type of programme. Or in my own country in 1923. And the Chinese leaders today, following the same line of thought, explain that "the well being of criminals is not yet a priority", while they jail and execute thousands without trial.

Now, to put an end on this, I'd like to apologize if mine sounded like a personal attack (and I admit it did, at least in part). It was intended also for the person who started the thread, and for all those who entertain similar ideas. I honestly feel worried when I see these kind of attitude spreading (it's always there, part of the human nature, waiting to come to the surface).



I would like to apologize as well for my comments towards you in my post. I woud also like to agree with you that, although I wouldn't advocate actually putting that system into practice, it is somewhat of a by-product of the way justice is administered in my country (where the criminal takes priority over the victim). You see, it is perfectly possible for a serial killer who tortured, raped and murdered innocent children (this is a real example) to be let out of jail within 10 years and excepted back into the community with a job, university degree etc. Also, with multiple murders taking place every week and sometimes every day in some of our major city's and the murderers serving less than 5 years in prison only to be let out and sometimes kill again, you tend to lose faith in the justice system. Anyway, I'm glad we can put that behind us and once again I'm sorry.