Certain Dri


New member
I believe that I have a mild case of hyperhidrosis even though i have never been diagnosed. I remember always having huge sweat stains on all my clothes and having to wear really thick material since middle school. I am currently 19 years old with the same problem. Up until recently, i thought it was normal to sweat like that all the time no matter how hot. Upon this discovery, i bought Certain Dri. I've been using it for two weeks and i've been pretty dry but not exactly bone dry. Has anyone used this before and how long did it take for it to fully work? Thanks


New member
Certain Dri user

I am a fourth year medical student graduating in May with my M.D. I've been suffering with hyperhidrosis since I was a teenager. I've recently given Certain Dri a try until I can afford Botox or something more permanent. I have found a winning combination of methods to both help accentuate the effects of the antiperspirant and avoid the allergic reaction that many of us experience with the drug. The key is Benadryl, a histamine receptor antagonist and a mild anticholinergic. It both prevents the allergic reaction of the drug on the skin and reduces sweating during the night to accentuate absorption of the drug. I wash my armpits about 1 hour before bedtime. I also take one Benadryl 25mg tablet at this time. I apply the antiperspirant right before bedtime and lay down. Within 5 minutes or so, even with the Benadryl, a mild amount of itching may occur. I then spray Lanacaine or some other anaesthetic spray on my underarms (I keep the can right by my bed) and the itching ceases immediately. The Benadryl is very sedating and I quickly fall asleep with the Certain Dri on. This antiperspirant, if you've read, works by physically blocking the sweat gland ducts with a chemical called Aluminum Chloride. The product has an additive effect. Use it everynight for at least a week, then taper to every other night for a week or two, then to once every three days, which is where I stand currently. This regimen is very effective. Hope this helps.


Tia, been using Certain Dri for a couple of weeks. The day after I used it I had no sweat from under my arms. Been using it for a couple of weeks now, & have cut it down to about every 3 days. After this I start to get a little damp. Make sure you're not using too much of it. I also try to hold my arms out a bit to let as much of the product dry as I can. Also, try using a spray-on anti-perspirant. They don't leave a waxy feel under your arms. It could be this your thinking is sweat.

I've never been diagnosed either & thought all the same things that you did (this is normal etc). Thank God for the internet......... :D

Tia757 said:
I believe that I have a mild case of hyperhidrosis even though i have never been diagnosed. I remember always having huge sweat stains on all my clothes and having to wear really thick material since middle school. I am currently 19 years old with the same problem. Up until recently, i thought it was normal to sweat like that all the time no matter how hot. Upon this discovery, i bought Certain Dri. I've been using it for two weeks and i've been pretty dry but not exactly bone dry. Has anyone used this before and how long did it take for it to fully work? Thanks


Well-known member
I've been using certain-dri properly (washing, drying, applying, showering in morning) for the last 3 days, and my sweating has gone WAY DOWN. The only thing for me is that I'm not sure if I'm sweating, or if my deodorant is leaving dampness. Is there any sure-fire way of telling?


Don't know if there's a sure fire way, if u use roll on it's hard for it to dry in & stick ones have a kind of waxy feeling to them so it'll be hard to tell. I noticed also you've said 'deodorant', make sure you use an 'anti-perspirant'. Don't want to tell you something you already know but they're different. (Deodorant for frangrance, anti-perspirant to stop perspiration). Like I said I switched to a spray on & I've noticed a difference. Mainly, my underarms feel like I just got out the shower. Cheers!!!!!

dazedandconfused said:
I've been using certain-dri properly (washing, drying, applying, showering in morning) for the last 3 days, and my sweating has gone WAY DOWN. The only thing for me is that I'm not sure if I'm sweating, or if my deodorant is leaving dampness. Is there any sure-fire way of telling?


Well-known member
Well yeah..sorry I use the 2 interchangebly. I use axe-dry antiperspirant/deodorant. Does the spray still include an antiperspirant?


If it says anti-perspirant then it's fine. I came from Scotland to Canada & noticed that a lot of people here only use a deodorant. I've noticed though with the spray-on that if I use too much it feels like sweat. Could this be the answer?

dazedandconfused said:
Well yeah..sorry I use the 2 interchangebly. I use axe-dry antiperspirant/deodorant. Does the spray still include an antiperspirant?
hi, i was just reading about Certain dri and i have never tried it or seen it, but i would like to try it seen as i think i sweat more then normal, but i live in the UK and have ony seen it on american sites, does anyone know if it is avaliable in the UK and what shops it is sold in?

thanx for your help
Pinker said:
lost_and_broken said:
hi, i was just reading about Certain dri and i have never tried it or seen it, but i would like to try it seen as i think i sweat more then normal, but i live in the UK and have ony seen it on american sites, does anyone know if it is avaliable in the UK and what shops it is sold in?

thanx for your help

Just go to your doctor and ask for a prescription for Driclor solution. It is the same as certain dry just more concentrated.

thanks, do you know if your can buy anything like it over the counter without a persription?


You can get Driclor from Boots lost_and_broken! Got it a couple of weeks ago and been amazed the difference it has made to my sweating! It stings alot when you first put it on but just bare with it because the results the next day are amazing, well they were for me anyway. Was very sceptic about using it at first because it blocks your pores which I don't think is very good for you but the amount it has reduced my sweating has been amazing! I start to sweat a couple of days later but even that is no way near to the extent that i was sweating beforehand. Lets just hope it lasts....
i have been looking it up on a few websites and all the reviews seem 2 say the same thing, at first it stings and itches but it does work and it worth hte pain. thanks for your help
i brought some Driclor yesterday, before using it i made sure that my skin was completly dry by using a hairdryer, i then made sure that i didnt apply to much but not too little either, after applying it i was amazed to find that it didnt sting one bit which i was very glad about but it also made me think that i didnt do it right even though i follwed the instructions and every thing people had said about it, so i thought that i must have doone it correctly and that the side effects dont happen to everyone. Today i have been a bit more dry but im not 'bone dry' like some people have said they are the next day but it has been VERY hot to day, but i am still very pleased with it

thanx for everyones help :)


New member
Hello, i'm a young teenager, and I have what I would consider a moderate case of axillary hyperhidrosis. I develop sweat rings about 3 inches throughout the day during school and I wear white to mask this-but the odor and wetness is still present and i've been trying to control it.
I bought Certain Dri at a drugstore in about April, I used it for about 2 and a half months with no results and quit using it during the summer time (during the summer I didn't experience as much sweating during the school year, but that's probably do to nerves.)
It would be very difficult to change my routine to shower in the morning instead of the evening-therefore I do not do so, but I blowdry my armpits with a hairdryer (yes, what a comical image) before application before going to bed, alas no significant results yet, but I do find that I do not sweat that much in the afternoon/evening.
I was wondering if changing my routine was absolutely neccesary to get results. I don't wash CertainDri off in the morning, should I do so?
Also, I was pondering putting on a morning application (even though it works while you sleep) because i'm so desperate to control this.
Can anyone help me? I would really appreciate it.....


New member
I know the body says to only use certain dry under the arms, but I would think it would be ok to use on other areas of the body, like the back and face because it's the same thing as driclor or drysol, just without any alcohol. The certain dri is cheaper for me and it is less concentrated than driclor, which I need. So do you think it would be ok to use on other areas of the body?