CERN faster than speed of light and SA connection


Well-known member
BBC News - Speed-of-light results under scrutiny at Cern

So if its true, that means that the future already happenend before we see it.
That means if you look deeper to it, that there is no ''free will'' and we can't change our destiny even if we think we can at the present.. but there is no present lol.
We only robots what for decision we ''think'' we make ... even what im writing now is already written in time long before I was born.

So that means we programmed in time to suffer from SA lol ...-_-' it was our destiny.

So that makes you wonder that their are no bad and good decisions because there is no''free will''
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Well-known member
How does a particle going faster than light mean all time has already happened.

We never had free will in the first place. Where have you been all along? Haha


Well-known member
How does a particle going faster than light mean all time has already happened?

We never had free will in the first place. Where have you been all along? Haha