Celebrities with social phobia


Well-known member
Hi all,

I was watching celebrities uncensored and thinking to myself that generally these guys and girls don't seem at all anxious. Then I stumbled across an Australian website that listed some celebs that suffered social anxiety (www.socialanxietyassist.com.au/famous_people.shtml) . Donny Osmond, Barbara streisand, sir laurence Olivier and Kim Basinger were mentioned. I also know Mel gibson suffered from it. Does anyone know other famous people???????????????????????????????????


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Shy Celebrities

Yeah, I heard that Bob Hope, John Wayne, Andy Griffith, Lucille Ball, Danny Thomas and Farrah Fawcett also had social phobia. Isn't that so weird? I mean these people are rich and powerful (They can buy anything they want or wanted [when they were alive] in Macy's or the Gap) yet they are just as uncomfortable around people. Weird, huh!
John Wayne, who thought?!? Farrah Fawcett! I had a crush on her for the longest time since the Original Charlies's Angels. Weird!?!


Well-known member
The Novel Author Fanny Burney was very shy too.

I guess this is a little more common than we thought. Today I started reading Evelina, by Fanny Burney. While reading the introduction I read that the author was very shy.

" But when Evelina was published, in 1778, it was a brilliant success....(Fanny Burney) was sought after in the highest social and intellectual circles, where, despite her extreme shyness, she enjoyed hearing compliments on her book."

This means that we do not have to live in the shadows. We also can contribute to society in one way or another. Everyone has a talent of their own.


Well-known member
Thank you for your post. That made my day!
I would like to contribute to society AND I would like to have social relationships with others, too. The second one may take longer than the first though.
Guess what! I also heard that Dick Van Dyke ( The Dick Van Dyke Show & from the movie, "Mary Poppins") is also a very shy person. He spends most of his free time on the computer.
I also learned that Charles Schultz ("Snoopy") also was painfully shy when he was young. Even before he died, he was still known for his shyness. Well, he seemed happy with his achievements. He was also married too.
I think I can live with social anxiety think as long as it doesn't get the best of me!

Thanks again!


Well-known member
This topic is old i guess, but i'm very relieved with the thoughts that there are some successful and famous people who suffer from the same problem as ours. If they do it we can do it too.

Britney Spears and Nicole Kidman also suffer from SP.

All of Britney's friends and many other celebrities describe her as very very shy. And when she met Madonna (who is her idol) for the first time (back in 2000), she had a panic attack, and couldn't say anything to her except "can i hug you?". Madonna says she thought "she's wierd" back then.


Well-known member
Kim Basinger? Wasn't she married to eminem? brittany spears seems shy. how did she get so famous then?


Well-known member
Being shy doesn't stop them,they can live with that and do anything, we can do it too. But i just don't know how? :?


Active member
yes its truuuee i saw an interview when kim bassinger said that she couldnt get out of her house,but barbara walters said her little secret :?


Well-known member
see the thing is i worry about what people think about me, thinking everyones judging me, which i know is silly, but every IS judging them.


Well-known member

How do you act and have social phobia? sitn that like a contradiction? Acting as someone else is easier than being themselves?


Well-known member
the ONLY celebs I know for sure about them having it were:

Barbara Streisand and Donny Osmond (both social and performance phobias)...and both suffered panic attacks. I think its a mild to sevre form when some one has a full blown attack.
These are the only 2 celebs i know that have come out about it.
- And Brooke Shields with her depression and post partum.

I'm sure there are others...but BRITNEY SPEARS!!! I guess I could see her being shy...a LITTLE, but just b/c shes shy around her idol like madonna, doesnt mean anything. She hasnt been through what the majority of us have been through. If she comes out and says she has it i wouldnt doubt but, until then I dont see how she could have one at all.


Well-known member
jinxed said:
I'm surprised someone mentioned Mel Gibson having had social anxiety, and Britney Spears?? She seems very loose though to me, and Nicole Kidman doesn't look like it either. They must have a mild form.

i can believe nicole kidman has some sort of social anxiety, i saw her in interview and she talks and laughs randomly and u can tell she's nervous.


Hey Johno,

I know Susie Oneil (Aussie swimmer) does or did and talks about it quite a bit.

Nicole Kidman comes across very shy in the few interviews she does and she speaks of not going out much at all. In an interview on 60 minutes here she blushed and mentioned she was worried about what ppl though of her when she went shopping - so its quite possible she does have SP :?

Here is a list of "shy celebrities"... i guess some of them could have developed SP?


I find Susie O'neils experience really encouraging... how she partly never wanted to win a race coz that meant a whole lot of attention :(
Brad Pitt and Jim Carrey have struggled with social phobia. Theres a ton of people that you would never guess could have SP or SA that have them. Elvis Presley even had it.


Well-known member
I don't remember where I heard this but I think David letterman has sp but I could be wrong that lol.