Celebrities with SA


New member
Know of any? The only one that comes to mind is Rosanne Arnold (or whatever her last name is now.) I remember her talking about it on Letterman a few years ago.


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"Gareth" rocks!!!! he was great in Pirates of the Carribean as well, one my alltime fav movies


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Bravo said:
Know of any? The only one that comes to mind is Rosanne Arnold (or whatever her last name is now.) I remember her talking about it on Letterman a few years ago.

Donny Osmond(entertainer)



Ricky Williams(football player)


Jamie Blyth(appeared on "The Bachorlette")



Jonathan and Jordan Knight(New kids on the block)

These two brothers stopped performing due to panic attacks in social situations and developed symptoms of agoraphobia. Last I heard, they had purchased a home in a quiet country type area. They never quite called it "social phobia", but it sounds very similar to me.


Barbra Steisand stopped performing on stage for 40 years after experiencing panic attacks when performing before others, and became somewhat reclusive. Social anxiety was not used, but again, there are similarities in the behavior.


There are tons of other celebrities with symptoms similar to social anxiety, but the above are just a few. I've read that Brittney Spears and Kim Basinger struggle with social anxiety, but go through periods when they're able to perform, and when they avoid the spotlight. I haven't been able to confirm whether or not this is true, so if anyone has details, please post.

Below are a listing of shy celebrities for members who are also shy.




New member
I did watch this E! True Hollywood Story of the "New Kids on the Block" and yes, Jonathan Knight, did struck me as someone who had social anxiety.


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another celebrity

Yes, I heard also that Kim Basinger suffered from social Anxiety when she was young(not sure what age)and that she use to stay in her room most of the time during her younger years.


Well-known member
Britney Spears says she was extremely shy when she was young, and she had a panic attack when she first met Madonna. You can see she has sp if you watch her early interviews and appereances to shows, its apparent that shes suffering.

Michelle Williams (Jen fron Dawson's Creek) has social phobia, too

Read here for more info on how shy she is


P.s. You gotta be an imdb member to read this.


Well-known member
Dennis Rodman ? 8O 8O 8O

I don't know about Britney Spears or others, but u can't be a public person if u have social phobia, that is my oppinion. The thing that they are shy is easier to accept, but SP-ers ? NO WAY :?


Well-known member
Are you guys for real?

Robbie Williams, Dennis Rodman, Jim Carey...Wow, that's pretty surprising if true. lol.


Well-known member
renegade said:
Dennis Rodman ? 8O 8O 8O

I don't know about Britney Spears or others, but u can't be a public person if u have social phobia, that is my oppinion. The thing that they are shy is easier to accept, but SP-ers ? NO WAY :?

She doesnt have SP now, she used to have i said. Just watch her early inteviews, ull see how reserved she is.

Jim Carrey - Impossible! He cant have SP. As far as i know he used to be a shy chilc at school and he was a loner cos he was a little wierd, but hes definetely over it now.

Robbie Williams - Impossible! Please also write where you hear this info. Dont just make it up.

Jonnie Depp - Im surprised noone mentioned him, he IS Edward Scissorhands, hes the wierdest guy ever. He doesnt like public attention, he gets red when someone says hes "the sexiest guy on earth", he had to drink wine before he could have the confidence to give an interview to Oprah. He definetely has SP.

Michelle Williams - She cant even promote her movies cos of SP, go and read a little about her on imdb. And i love this girl soooo much, i wish her luck, shes chosen the worst job for a Sp-er.


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Y hope this helps you believe me

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
Well-written, disturbing view into celebrity life, May 25, 2005
I am an unabashed fan of Robbie Williams, I love his voice, his swagger and his mischief with reporters. I picked up this book as a fan, but it turned out to be much more interesting than a simple biography.

Chris Heath spent (by my guess) upwards of a year with Robbie Williams, sometimes living with him, sometimes through correspondence. The result of that time together is this book. The book doesn't really go into drawing conclusions about Robbie as a person or a professional, but rather it shows us a very thorough snapshot of life as a mega-celebrity (albeit an unapologetically self-centered one). He shows us behind the facade of Robbie Williams, the over-the-top charismatic performer, and gives readers a disturbing glimpse as to what its like to be Robbie everyday.

Robbie, from what I can tell from the book seems to be a reasonably normal guy in his late 20s. He has issues, especially with social anxiety and depression, and is a recovering addict, but he comes across as pretty funny, charming and generally vivacious. Chris Heath shows us the dark side of being a mega-celebrity, Robbie is constantly hounded and haunted by false tabloid reports, he is chased incessantly by paprazzi and he often deals with fans who feel like Robbie "owes" them something for helping to make him a star. Through this Robbie proves to be quite resilient, extremely creative and reasonably productive. There is little gossipy writing and the book focuses more on the process it takes to turn Robbie Williams the person into Robbie Williams the persona.



Well-known member
Re: another celebrity

Awkwardgirl said:
Yes, I heard also that Kim Basinger suffered from social Anxiety when she was young(not sure what age)and that she use to stay in her room most of the time during her younger years.

I read an interview with her talking about that. She apparently suffers with Agoraphobia too and has periods of being housebound. She said having children encourages her to be braver and go out more.

I wonder about Farrah Fawcett and Marlon Brando too. They're both renowned for being reclusive.


jamez said:
Are you guys for real?

Robbie Williams, Dennis Rodman, Jim Carey...Wow, that's pretty surprising if true. lol.

Not suprising at all.

I actually feel like more of a Dennis Rodman/Robbie Williams type than some shy/untalkative type.

The only difference is that they're mad talented, I'm not.

I think you can have SA and still be kinda nuts like Rodman.
Maybe SA actually is the reason why he turned out crazy.
He wasn't like that as a Piston. That Pistons team BTW was the most underrated team EVER.