CBT=me overcoming SA


Okay, I just wanted to say that this has been the happiest day of my life since spiralling into depression. I have just started to do my CBT and I am already feeling better. Tonight my anxiety just flipped on its balls and I just had a 2 hour conversation with my mum which I havn't done in about 6 months. I just can't stop fuckin being happy at the moment. I know it will probably not be like this 2moro but I still haven't felt this way in a long time.

Plus 2moro I'm going to see my old bong mates(I quit) which I haven't seen in about 3 weeks because of the anxiety and we are going down the city shopping. I normally wouldn't go but my psychologist has given me all this shit to cope with it. I couldn't really give 2 shits if I have anxiety that troubles me with my walk and makes me feel like shit I know I can get through with it and after I'm done I'll know it is a step in the right direction.

It's gonna take a while to get back to my old self but I promise everyone on here I'll come back in 4 months and I will be almost/finished with my SA.

I'll say to everyone out there that may be in that spiral of depression and anxiety to gather all the will you have and go get help from a trained professional. It could not be worse than it is now. My first 2 weeks doing the CBT were the worst 2 weeks of my life but the last week has shown changes and then I suddenly just got into the best mood anyone could be in. Please get help. It might take a bit of work but what's worse than living with SA? Nothin. Anything you do is a positive. Carn baby, get the show rollin!

Hopefully you read this far. Cheers for reading.