

New member
Hi there. I'm 24 and having trouble with work. I am trying to get entry level office assistant positions (not being a receptionist, more behind the scenes) but I just can't get past the interview. So i've been temping at it for nearly 3 years. Every second temp job i take, I hate it, i feel like i don't fit in and that they want someone more outgoing. So anyway, I'm thinking of a change, but I just don't know what to do. What careers are there for shy/anxious people out there?


Well-known member
Hello there.

How many interviews have you been to? I'm yet to go to my first. At least you've got experience.

My aim for life & career is to do something fun and creative. That way I can focus on being a perfectionist rather than a social phobic. I'm with you on the outgoing thing - my career path assumes you're outwardly bright, bubbly and fun. But I'm only bubbly on the inside and it usually doesn't last for long.

What about a librarian? Or is that an insult??


Well-known member
JWH said:
That way I can focus on being a perfectionist rather than a social phobic.

I'm much the same way (even the creative part ;) ). However, it seems from what I've read that being a perfectionist is part of the SA/low self-esteem thing... we're perfectionists because we want to present ourselves and our work as beyond reproach (thus avoiding all criticism)... and since perfection is unattainable, we always beat the crap out of ourselves for "failing" at it... even though we often overachieve, yet think we underachieve....

Good luck, sarebear! Try a benzo to get through an interview; they've helped me for that before. As for good shy person careers, I'm a writer/editor/proofreader, so I'm usually away in my cube staring closely at things, and people know not to bother me much. Not so bad that. ;)

But the meetings, the presentations, the reviews, the work parties.... UGH.


Well-known member
J! I wanted that username damnit!

Yep, I don't necessarily get upset over my minor failings; however, I do put things off that I know I could possibly fail at. My big problem lies in my over analysis and a constant bombardment of negative thoughts if I get something really wrong. A good example is horror movies. I can be sleepless all week over irrational thoughts. It's a problem that's most probably part of the SP issue, but also quite separate at times.


Well-known member
Has anyone tried those psychometric tests which match your personality with potential careers? Maybe they could prove enlightening.


This may sound a little silly, but at the beginning of last year I had just graduated from uni and I was looking for a job. Anyway I had quite a few interviews which all ended in failure. Anyway my ante told me while in the interview I should say in my head "I like you" over and over again. Now what is so funny about it is that the very next interview I had I did just that and guess what I got the job.

If I remember correctly the point in saying, "I like you" in you head is to replace the "Please like me" that shy people like me seem to project

Hope this helps


thats so cool that it worked! isnt the mind such an amazing thing, by thinking positive things it can project a different image :D


Well-known member
That's a really good idea. I'm always so worried about what interviewers think of me. I've only got a few weeks left at uni before I have to go find a summer job. I'm definitely going to try that.

Yossarian, I always wanted to be an engineer when I was younger too! As for those psychometric tests, I took them in 11th grade. I forget my results but I wasn't too thrilled with what it suggested. I decided I was better off just going to school and figuring things out for myself.


What can I say, I'm pretty introverted. I'm sure my coworkers think I'm stuck-up or something since I say so little and seldom smile.

I work at a company that services dental / medical equipment.
I'm happiest when I'm troubleshooting a circuit and people leave me alone. Actually, I wouldn't call it happy, more like... least uncomfortable.
Although I find it immensely gratifying when I find and fix a complex problem that no one else spotted.

I'm new at the company but fortunately, fellow technicians like me and have said good things about me to management so I don't think they'll fire me for my lack of being sociable.

I think it all depends on how your mind works, I tend to be logical and analytical so I like to figure out how things work.

I know alot of very shy but brilliant people who are computer programmers or lab technicians. Just a thought....