Cant talk to girls !!

Hi , my first post here, i am so shy that i cant talk to girls, talking is far fetched, i cant face them !!
I can not talk to boys also many times
I cant go to gym, i feel very shy there, i try to go at 5 in morning when there is no one.
I have never had any girlfriends and i am 18 years old boy !!!!!!
I feel very self conscious n really this thing is taking over me now !!!!

Can any one help , i m depressed.

Though i am good looking, the only thing is that i got a little extra flab in my tummy but thats it.

And i am also an artist, i play piano.

I have just finished schooling, i used to have assembly everyday and i used to go for on-stage activities very often. I am not stage shy though... :(
Not yet helped

Man !
From all the talk , my problem hasnt been solved still ,ok got it that i m not alone but we cant stay this way for ever na ?
We got ta do something...


Well-known member
Imencoded128bit don't worry about it your still pretty young.Your only 18.You still have lot of time.The only thing I can say is.I would forget about a girlfriend right now and just work making some friends that are girls.Don't view every girl as a girlfriend.It more important now to just get use to interacting with women.It won't be easy but you have to start some where.

But that just my opinion. :D


Well-known member
I never had a boyfriend until I was 18...I met him online. And since then the only way I can meet people is through the internet...if not for the internet I would never/would have never been in a relationship at all. So maybe if you really really want a girlfriend...try some dating sites(or myspace, even)? Some people dont like the idea of them, or meeting people online but I dont see it as any different than meeting any other's just alot easier because of course it's easier to type to a stranger than talk to them, then when you feel comfortable enough with them you could meet.
it's easier to type to a stranger than talk to them

Hey common, its been 7 years since i have been using the internet, and chatting, i chat like hell ! I meen i keep chatting for long hours , i havent had any help from it , inspite of that i talk to both girls and boys on the internet chat.


imencoded128bit said:
it's easier to type to a stranger than talk to them

Hey common, its been 7 years since i have been using the internet, and chatting, i chat like hell ! I meen i keep chatting for long hours , i havent had any help from it , inspite of that i talk to both girls and boys on the internet chat.

I think today I had the courage to even post a forum here.....I am even scared to chat on line with a guys are lucky :D ......When I came first to this website....I was suprised I couldn't post anything...cause most ppl have SP like me....and I thought I would feel free to talk....but today I think am a little better....

and imencoded128bit...septor is right I think you should try ur best talking to the way....I am scared to death talking to boys :lol: .....look who is joking.....try to talk to girls and if it doesn't work don't stress yourself get a sure you have one looking for one...and I am sure they will help you....I don't know I didn't try any councelor....but it should help


Well-known member
hey im 18 to..... only a girl who finds it hard to talk to girls. they are a scary thing i know!
though we are still young....
i found that going for the also shy people in easier (clearly!)

small steps dude.... you said ur not stage scared - why not try acting when it comes to meeting people, beome someone else.
my therapist told me that anothy hopkins used to do that at partys cos he was s/a and hated for being an alcoholic for awhile,worked for him!

random celeb fact for you there my friend, good luck!


Well-known member
well i avoided relationships for a year... when you got to meet people you like, they would like to get to know you and your life.. i was ashamed of my life, wasnt interesting at all... and wouldnt attract someone...

my advice to you is to try and build friendships... start learning how you talk to girls etc... and when you get interest in someone.. approuch her.

but if you are uncomfortable with a particular thing in your life, make your best to change it and improve it so people will get more attracted in you... for example, make your best to look good, improve your personality, make your life more interesting...

when you'll be satisfied with yourself and with your life... it will be easy getting girl friends and friends.



Well-known member
well i avoided relationships for a year... when you got to meet people you like, they would like to get to know you and your life.. i was ashamed of my life, wasnt interesting at all... and wouldnt attract someone...

my advice to you is to try and build friendships... start learning how you talk to girls etc... and when you get interest in someone.. approuch her.

but if you are uncomfortable with a particular thing in your life, make your best to change it and improve it so people will get more attracted in you... for example, make your best to look good, improve your personality, make your life more interesting...

when you'll be satisfied with yourself and with your life... it will be easy getting girl friends and friends.



:( i'm 18 never had a girl friend or been kissed i can't even look people in the eye even people on net don't wanna chat i'm completly alone in my room every day after work can't even talk to my friends i have no idea what to do anymore except sink into booze. my moms moving away so i will have to get a flat which will be fun i just don't wanna be lonely anymore but the way it's goin i think i'll probably swing.


Well-known member
Hi Danska

Where are you from - I can't make it out from that location!

Youre still so young - I'm 33 and battling with all of this.

My brothers and sister are all married with kids but I'm not - yet!!

My advice is to begin to build a life through sports, hobbies and courses.

Immerse yourself in these things taking credit for all steps.

This will allow you to validate yourself and build self-esteem.

Trust me - it works - and I know one day I will have a girl and little ones!



Thanks for advice jayo
i'm from northwest england it's only most times all i have to drive my life is music and work but without a women or even friends i feel like a nobody. can't do anythink alone


New member
i was told by a few people at work that a girl there liked me :wink: . she is very very pretty and she has always been nice to me and we have a laugh. I never had the guts though to ask her out- she is now back with her ex-boyfriend and i'm gutted :cry: . wish i had the confidence to have asked her out for a drink or something- but i don't and i didn't. :(