Can't shake this obsession/ thinking

I am a male 18 and was told that I possible have OCD or some form of it. I really need some support in this specific event because I can't seem to shake it. I have a baby boy cousin who is extremely cute. I love pinching his cheeks and just playing with him, but lately I have been having these disturbing thoughts that because I am doing that, I am getting aroused by him and will molest him. Logically I WOULD NEVER DO THAT, but my mind keeps on replaying it and I don't knoe why or what I should do. If you could offer any advice or just words of understanding that youve been there would be appreciated, and thanks.

Well-known member

That sounds like you have it pretty bad. Have you had it for long? Because maybe, if you haven't done already, you should see someone about it. They might be able to help you through it.


Well-known member
Believe me I know all about intrusive thoughts and worrying all the time. I can't say that I have experienced it in the same manner as you are, but I don't really think it matters. These thoughts are pretty much a nervous reaction to something good. You obviously love your cousin, but somehow deep within you're scared of something good becoming something bad. You don't want this scenario to be something you worry about, and then it becomes the very thing you worry about. And then you start worrying about worrying. :mad: Yes, it's a terrible, vicious cycle.

The best advice I can give you, is knowing that the reason these intrusive thoughts are there, only shows you love your cousin and will never hurt him in anyway. Your intrusive thoughts show how much you are afraid of doing anything wrong, not the fact that you want to do anything wrong. For me medication did help. Speaking to someone might help too. Good luck, I know how tough it can be.:)
I used to have kind of ocd, fear of contamination.. but u must know u will not hurt him...and ocd is treatable...and u are young, it could be an adolescent thing.. so I'd recommend u see a doctor.. so that ur not alone, believe they do help and so does medication :) good luck!
I know exactly what ur going through.. I always think I will let the baby fall.
I am soo careful when i carry babies, But I'm always afraid that they will fall.
Also I have this with little pups. and kittens.
It really makes me anxious..
Cuz I really don't wanna hurt them.