cant seem to start things


I'm new to this but I wanted to try this. I have had SP and GAD for five years. Well I found out why I felt the way I do five years ago. I am trying to get through a masters program and I find my anxiety if holding me back in work..again. I am trying to concentrate but its hard. I have at pages like this before but never felt I wanted to do this. It is so good to have this hear because it makes me feel somewhat better that I can come here and see what others are saying.


Well-known member
First : Hello & Welcome to the forum.

I have had GAD intensed for few years and i know what are you talking about. Only thing that is helping me to concentrate is a moderate physical activity. It is pretty hard to motivate yourself when SP is main thing that is occupuying your mind.


thanks for the idea! I am working out at home and trying to get back into going to the gym (ughhh). i just find it hard to go there on my own. it s not that I find working out intimidating just having to walk into the building is the thing. i am going to go when a friend goes to make sure i can do it.