cant rest my face or jaw?


hey , ive had SP for about a year now and it seems to get worse! everytime im with people i just cant get my face(muscles) to rest, it feels like my face is just tensed all the time and when im with people and i keep eye contact or something for long i smile for no reason (or blush). its terrible. :x people must think im mad for smiling for nothing atall. does anyone know how to stop this? thanks for reading. sean.


Well-known member
I know how you feel. If i'm in the presence of a person who intimidates me my face feels all tense as if i can't smile, but i also can't help myself from smiling sometimes.


Well-known member
yeah! i know exactly what that's like. i'm getting better at relaxing. the best thing to do is get your mind off of whatever it is that's stressing you. thinking both positively and negatively about something means you're still giving it focus... so stop focusing on is altogether and your jaw will relax and you'll start smiling again.

My therapist just recently gave me a cd on muscle relaxation. It's a number of simple facial and body exercises that you can practice once a day to alternatively tense and relax your muscles. The idea is that if you keep practicing, over time, you will learn to be able to relax the muscles that get tensed up when you get in a stressful situation.
I've uploaded it to the following link:

hope it helps