Can't let out my emotions


Well-known member
I feel like I'm bottled up inside. I can't talk to people, hell I can't even show my emotions. I'm having so much trouble with my mental illness's lately, ever since I started school they flared up bad. It could be seeing my ex every day, stress from having 2 tests and an assignment a week, or just worrying about stuff I can't control. I don't know but all I know is I feel it building up inside. I feel like I'm slowly becoming apathetic. I'm beginning to not care about anything, I am starting to care less about myself. Hell I just want to stop everything. I really love my girlfriend yet for some reason I am not scared of the possibility of losing her. Yet I want to be with her. I also don't see a problem with shutting away and pushing everyone away. These days I'm the only person keeping myself company other then my cat.

I don't know I'm just so confused. I have barely slept in days because of nightmares. I just feel shitty, I feel so much bad things building up and I don't have an outlet. What am I supposed to do.