can't forget it?


New member
The driving factor of my obsessive compulsions is that if I don't complete the act, my mind will never let me forget it. That idea in itself is enough to drive anyone insane.
Anyone else experience this fear, and if so, what do you do to control it?


Well-known member
First of all tell yourself that this is not the solution,that ur brain does a trick on you.The brain is very complicated and is really hard sometimes to control our thoghts.
Just try to do things to give ur brain a break and if you think on it think insted of sg else even if its hard


Active member
bean said:
The driving factor of my obsessive compulsions is that if I don't complete the act, my mind will never let me forget it. That idea in itself is enough to drive anyone insane.
Anyone else experience this fear, and if so, what do you do to control it?

Hello bean.
I also suffer from OCD, and I beleive that most people who have OCD fear that if they don't complete the act, the thought will keep going through their head.
When you have obsessive complulisive disorder, you complete the task in hopes of stoping the obsessive thoughts. Though, if you have pure- O (a form of OCD), you don't complete tasks to stop the obsessing; you just obsess.
Have you gone to a doctor about your OCD? Have you/ are you medicated for it?