Can you guys help me please its urgent???


New member
K I copied and pasted from problem from socialanxietyfriends, because no-one has replied yet and I am getting so anxious about tomorrow, ok heres my problem:

Tomorrow evening a girl is coming to my house, because both of our mums arranged it because we are going to go to the same college. And we are going to be by ourselves in the house for at least a good few hours because both of our mums are going to go to the pub for a quiz night. So anyone that has SA probably knows that this is ultimate disaster. What should I do guys? What would you do more importantly. I mean i have asked other people for advice but the advice they give doesnt really mean much to me because their advice would only help someone that dosnt have anxiety. Also another thing is i've seen her bebo picture, and she seems like a real girly girl chavvy kind of person - the kind of person that i have more in common with a dishcloth. I really need your advice of what to do, what to say, and just how to deal with the whole situation. Please I'm totally beating myself up over it, and theres no way I can get out of it. And another thing is today i'm going to have to spend alot of my time taking out all the geeky stuff in my room, and I really dont like doing that because its like I'm ashamed of myself, but what can you do...


Well-known member
you'll make a new friend!

leave the geeky stuff there, its your room be proud of who you are


Active member
Is this supposed to be a date??? If you're feeling really anxious, let her guide the conversation. just ask college-related questions when the conversation lags (e.g., major, living arrangements, does she know anyone going to this school, classes she's taking, blah, blah, blah).

If the conversation really starts to lag and u don't have anything else to say, then suggest watching DVDs or TV. You guys can comment on what your watching. Or listen to music.

Fix a snack, drink, etc.

Games - cards, board games.

Going out for a walk.

Take some deep breaths and try to relax before she comes. Be casual and laid back. If this isn't a date, Do NOT hit on her or make any comments that seem like you are!! The most important thing is to try to appear relaxed and casual (even if you're feeling terrified on the inside).

At the end, let her know that it was nice chatting w/her. If she seems really responsive and positive about it, you can ask her if she wants to exchange numbers (or email addresses) just to stay in touch.

Hope this helps, and GOOD LUCK!


Don't treat it like a date. Be yourself, dont worry what she thinks. If you don't like her that much, just be blunt (not nasty) but just normal.

Treat her like you would treat your neighbour, take it easy.

I know it'll be hard, but try not to care about it.