can ocd make you overthink everything?



I just find myself overthinking I would have a conversation with someone, and then say something, then later on I find myself wondering if i meant something else by what i said, then i wonder what i could have meant, then i wonder if it's true. finally, at the end, i usually end up convincing myself that that second meaning IS true, and that that is what i meant all along. even if that second meaning is something i would never want to be true because i would hope i could never be that mean, rude, or conniving.
yes sometimes i found myself trapped with my own thought over things id said to one.
when i made a lil tiny mistake, i couldnt get rid of it from my thought. i used to blame myself and end up worrying-did i just be rude, god, they will find me a bad, strange person blabla. its stupid i realized but its hard to get out of it.


Well-known member
Sometimes someone will say something and i think ''why did he/she say that...What does he/she mean by that?''
I had a little OCD a few years back when I was working. I would be waiting at the clocking-in-machine ready to clock out at 4.30pm, but when it turned to that time, I would just stare at the screen. I would say the word 4.30 in my head a few times until 4.31pm, It's like I wouldn't believe it. I'm glad I grew out of that OCD. I’ve numerous experiences with OCD, and I’m glad to report that I beat the worst part. It’s possible to get better. I won’t say anything more about my other OCD activities because OCD tendencies can be trigged by others.


Active member
I over think every single little thing too and it really holds me back. I think it's generalised anxiety though, rather than OCD. I could be wrong.