Can OCD make you overthink everything?



I just find myself overthinking I would have a conversation with someone, and then say something, then later on I find myself wondering if i meant something else by what i said, then i wonder what i could have meant, then i wonder if it's true. finally, at the end, i usually end up convincing myself that that second meaning IS true, and that that is what i meant all along. even if that second meaning is something i would never want to be true because i would hope i could never be that mean, rude, or conniving.

and then i feel bad if i don't tell the person i was talking to what i "think" my second meaning was, and i tell him/her what the second meaning was as if it were true.

and then they feel awful because i told them, and i want to tell them that that isn't what i meant at all, but if i tell them that, then i might be lying, because i've overthought it SO MUCH that i have made myself think that it was true. and then i would feel bad if i lied. and if i keep it in, i feel bad for keeping it in.

so then they end up feeling bad over something that i doubt was even true to begin with. and i want it to be not true with all my heart. i don't even bother trying to explain, cuz thinking all my stupid thoughts through is too complicated and i know they wouldn't understand, or else they would just be too upset at what i said originally they don't want to hear any more from me. (it probably sounds false coming from me, if i tried to explain.) the person i'm talking about already knows i have ocd but i've always just avoided explaining in that much detail because i know ill think i was lying at some i AM just saying this/blaming it on ocd because i dont want to admit that what i'm thinking is true.

i want to stop thinking like this, and just turn my brain off for once. i always try to tell myself that if i could just NOT think about it, then i can forget about it and it would all be good. but usually that just makes it worse because i overanalyze the fact that i'm trying to push it out of my mind.."those things i am saying must be true if they're bothering me that much that i'm trying to get rid of them."

it's a never-ending cycle. my head literally hurts from all that thinking sometimes.


you sound like me. doesn't it seem like the thoughts just keep getting more and more complex? for example, say i forgot to say "thank you" after i ordered wings. then i feel like i'm a bad person and i don't want people to think i'm a bad person because i'm really not. but then i catch myself overanalyzing something so unimportant so i get mad at myself. but then i beat myself up for being too hard on myself. now it's not even about the "thank you" anymore and it's all just overanalyzing myself. but then i'd get mad at myself for being selfish. and the thoughts keep getting more and more complex. then in my head i'd associate all these thoughts to the original issue, the thank you. and that's why the thought that "i should have said thank you" never leaves. then all it takes to remind you of the thank-you is to be reminded of ANY of the thoughts that stemmed from the incident. so the simple mistake of not saying thank-you never leaves, hence it's an obsession. this exact sequence of thoughts never actually happened to me but things like it happen all the time and it's kind of like your story. so at least in my case, yes, OCD can make you overthink everything.


I have the exact same issue... Except I've never have been checked for OCD. I don't think i have it, but I went over the symptoms and i do have quite a few. It even gets hard for me to go to sleep, because i constantly think about what I've done and how it could go wrong in this way or in that way and what i need to do to fix it. I have headaches literally every single day because of it.