Can I still exercise on Robinul


I am due to have an appointment with a dermatologist this week in an attempt to control my hand and feet sweating which has been affecting me for many years. I have tried a few different treatments and have had little to no results. I have read many people find success with medication such as Robinul and despite there being side effects I hope this may offer the relief I have been looking for. I wanted to ask how taking such a medication will effect my exercise? As I enjoy swimming around 3 or 4 times a week and do not want to have this treatment stop me from being able to exercise.


Well-known member
I worked out on glyco and you'll notice that it's the same except you sweat a bit less (you'll still sweat). Keep well hydrated by drinking water during your workouts. And good luck.


thanks for your advice my sweat thankfully is not really severe but it can be a real nuisance because it never goes away. I was hoping that with meds it would bring me the dryness but wouldn't interfere with the things I currently do to look after myself. Do you still use meds?


Well-known member
I do aerobic/cardio (not that strenuous) while taking Avert (= Robinul) and it's OK--I actually take less than I would to be bone dry--a little sweat is OK. I also make sure to hydrate. I think swimming would be the ideal HH exercise, as it's usually a little cool, and hey, you're wet anyway.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Hey fed i tried avert and stopped taking it cuz my eyes would dry out so much to the point that i just can't relax.. might be really irritating since i wear glasses. Buy anyways, i would suggest maybe exercise THEN take glyco.. just because there is a chance that you can get heatstroke. My 2 cents


Well-known member
If you can exercise early morning before you take Robinul for the day that might be a safer option. I've been taking it for 2 months now. One day while doing a mild run I got so out of breath, and mouth so dry, I felt like I was about to pass out.

Also this hasn't been the case for the entire 2 months, but the past couple days I've felt extremely tired. This was after not using it for 3 days. The tiredness may not be entirely due to glyco but I think it can slow you down a bit.


Been taking Robinul for a little over a year now. 1st one right when i get up. Hasn't affected my excercise routine. gym, weights, cardio then pool. Only side effect i've had is a little dry mouth. Just drink a couple of extra glasses of water each day. Have you tried the pills yet?


Active member
Swimming is the best exercise in the world. For us HH sufferers the pool can be a sanctuary. We've all gotten those freaky looks from others at the gym in the 29th minute of level 8 on the StairMaster. You will be fine. The danger with taking Glcopyrrolate/Robinul/Avert when exercising is heat stroke. If the meds are working you won't sweat bullets. If you don't sweat at all the body can overheat causing a heat stroke. If you get the Robinul dosage and timing correct you will sweat some during physical activity like people without HH do. I see no chance of overheating while training in the pool. The water temp will offset any problems and keep you safe. But if you decide to hit the treadmill, or Stairs ect. then just monitor yourself. It will take time to figure out your dosage, meal times, and gym times to make this work. For me if I take Glyco then I try to work out about 7 hours after the dose. At this point the meds are wearing off and I'll sweat a good bit (but not like a freak) to regulate my body temp. If I'm headed to swim I don't even think about this issue because our pool is like ice ice baby. So don't sweat it (ha!). Get out there and give me 8 x 100 butterflys in under 3 minutes each with 45 second rests inbetween or I'll wack you with the kickboard.


Well-known member
Ya the pool is pretty good. I find sitting at home on the couch playing Call of Duty +pizza is also good


Well-known member
They should have a game called Wii Sweat. You, and your mates, are put in high pressure situations and whoever can wipe away the most flop sweat, and take the most amount of robinul until the screen goes terminally blurred vision, wins.