Can I get some help with some social skill building?


I'm making a push to develop my social skills over the next few months - speaking to strangers proactively, looking at them directly, starting conversations, etc. Besides building a weekly meetup group here on the forum, I was also thinking I could get people to report to. Besides posting my progress here, I was also wondering if I could have people checking in on me through email (and vice versa if they desire it). Nothing big, just flashing a reminder to speak with people often, asking about conversations I've had, etc. My goal is to get my surrounding environment to reinforce the skill I want to build.

Would anyone be interested in something like this?


Well, a daily PM buzz would help me a lot, and it'd land in my email automatically. I'll post my first report later today.


Well-known member
I'm making a push to develop my social skills over the next few months - speaking to strangers proactively, looking at them directly, starting conversations, etc. Besides building a weekly meetup group here on the forum, I was also thinking I could get people to report to. Besides posting my progress here, I was also wondering if I could have people checking in on me through email (and vice versa if they desire it). Nothing big, just flashing a reminder to speak with people often, asking about conversations I've had, etc. My goal is to get my surrounding environment to reinforce the skill I want to build.

Would anyone be interested in something like this?

Yeah but we re all in different states