Can I ask how do you prepare to go out?


To go out someplace do you just do it? Or do you prepare yourself to go out? Do you do breathing exercises and that? Just curious, my usual method is psyching myself up for fifteen minutes before going out. Just wondered if that is unusual or common amongst spers.


Well-known member
I had to speak in front of a group of people recently giving views sharing opinions etc and we were told what to prepare the previous week. I had done massive preperation. Little did i know that what I had prepared was entirely the wrong stuff. So about a minute before i was on stage i literally had to blag the entire thing.

It worked amazingly well because my anxiety didnt get a chance to dwell on it at all so i nailed it, felt amazing, so spontaneous. It was fluent and creative, i felt like a child making up a story. I accepted that i had failed so it didnt matter what i said, this made me victorious.

So the moral of the story is you dont need to oveprepare. Just relax, and have confidence in your ability to be spontaneous knowing things will work out alright. Of course you can prepare but you dont need to think about how it will turn out. We so want things to be perfect though dont we? this lack of acceptance causes so much anxiety.



Well-known member
I don't think preparing yourself for it will help as much as just doing it.

It doesnt matter what you look like while youre out ... just as long as you do .. go out.

It takes time and 'practice' but not the kind of practice to where you have to do something a certain way and if you didnt it means you "messed up"

"baby steps" really is important to remember ...

But if you do intentionally "prepare" before going out, the best thing to do is just positive self talk, and calm your nerves. Think of the worst possible thing that could happen. And tell yourself that even if that happens , the world does go on. You will be fine , just like youve always been, and it will have been in the past. Just live in the present, If it helps listen to like relaxation tapes before


Depends what it is, if it aint something too big then I'm fairly ok, but I will leave everything till the last minute, having a shower, getting dressed etc, that takes my mind off it for a bit.

But if I have to go do something like see all the family then I will sit and watch the clock for days until the time comes, I don't drink before I go out, but almost always do once I'm there.

This weekend I'm going away to my grandads army reunion with him and my dad, when he asked me to go last year I said yeah because it was so far away, but now its tomorrow, I'm really shitting myself, been waiting for it about a month now. The only good thing is that in just a few days time it will all be in the past.