called in sick today


New member
I have been working with UPS for about 3 weeks now, but yesterday at work, about half way through my route I started to have a panic attack/started feeling depressed. I worked through it and went home. This morning when I woke up I couldn't even get myself to go in to work, and had to call out sick. I am currently on Cymbalta and lamictil. My doc gave me valium ( I forget which dose, but I know it was somewhat low.) I used them all up by last week. I have to work tomorrow, some help please.
There's nothing wrong with taking a day off every now and then.

All the meds I've taken have proven to be useless, and dangerous. Instead, I've been greatly helped with ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). You can do ACT with self-help workbooks from your local bookstore.


Well-known member
Acceptance of what ?
I have seen that mention a few times and it does seem like BS
Can u explain plz ?


New member
acceptance can work but sometimes self help doesnt always cure. panick attacks, anxiety is a disease. and u cant cure a disease by just accepting. me im seeing a psychiatrist and psychologist. i think you dont just need meds but emotional support as well. im taking meds and im being extremely careful and if you do that and keep up with your doctors, there is no reason meds cant work, they just can work by themselves. Mark, just hang in there, are you seeing a psychiatrist by any chance? all the best! :)


Active member
There's nothing wrong with taking a day off. You should recharge your batteries and get your head in order.

However, it sounds like you're using the medicine in more of a dependency fashion than a supplementary fashion.

Are you seeing a therapist?
Are you working with self help books and programs?
Are you using a positive outlet such as exercise or meditation?

If you've answered no to any of the above, then you're not doing all you can to alleviate your anxiety. Don't feel bad about it. Take action and take control of it. You can do it!