Bupropion in the UK?


Have read a lot about Bupropion XL @300mg and how it does'nt have the same side effects as most other anti-d's, supposedly it is also a mild stimulant and works well with citalopram etc.
I currently take 20mg of citalopram and would like to try Bupropion as an add on, unfortunately Bupropion is not available in the uk or Ireland as an anti-depressant.I know it is used to help people stop smoking as Zyban 150mg, does anyone know if a uk doctor can prescribe it if I request it or is it impossible
Thanks for any replies in advance


If they wont prescribe it simply find it online to buy. 300mgs of XL Wellbutrin is a good choice. Its still on patent in Canada but its generic in the states.


If they wont prescribe it simply find it online to buy. 300mgs of XL Wellbutrin is a good choice. Its still on patent in Canada but its generic in the states.

Seems the Generic is not as effective and is only available in 150mg online I think.


Hi I was just wondering if you have asked your GP about this yet. I am on 40mg fluoxetine a day (prozac) for 3 months and am still experience extreme tiredness, lack of concentration and lack of libido. I've read a lot of good stuff about the prozac/wellbutrin combination in the US and would like to try it but like you said it's not available here as an anti-depressant.

I'm going to make an appt with my GP next week anyway but just wonder if you have learned anything new about it in the meantime.


Well-known member
Hey mate,

I've been taking effexor for 7 months, currently at the highest prescribable dose by a GP. The effexor is causing all kinds of lethargy and fatigue, and really just isnt quite hitting that spot that II'd expect it would. Anyway, in order to counter these side effects and help with the depression and anxiety in general I asked the Doc about zyban (Yeah he didn't seem to familiar with it when I said buproprion)
Bottom line was he said that it wasn't licensed for use in depressive disorder and has been linked to suicidality and aggression (I know right, like all other anti depressants haven't) so GP's don't generally prescribe it.
So now i'm going to see a phsychiatrist (doc said 4 weeks eta) and GP said its possible a P doctor would prescribe it and that he would write in the letter that I had requested the use of buproprion.

So here's hoping he / she will take me seriously when I finally get an appointment.

By the way I never knew you could buy buproprion online in the UK. I don't think i'd go down that route. Try speaking to your GP, suggest reasons why you think bup would be beneficial, especially over other more readily prescribed alternatives. If he says no then suggest a phsyc doc and then...yeah I think you get the picture


Well, I went back to my doc and suggested that course of action, he wants to send me to a psychosexual counsellor and reckons they can prescribe it, I dunno if they can to be honest but if they cant my doc is gonna hear it from me.
p.s you can buy it online in the uk but it is sourced outside of it and customs can confiscate it.