Brand New: My story


Well-known member
I just found this site. I decided to Google agoraphobia because for the last 7 years, I have grown to HATE interacting in a social settings. I am feeling great comfort knowing that I am not alone. I thought that I was an "extreme homebody" mixed with a lot insecurity. Thank you all.
More about me:

Among people that I have grown up with, I am the "life of the party, very outgoing, charming and outspoken. NOwadays, the people that I grew up with are the ONLY friends that I have. Since I do not socialize and attend parties, my 'friend count' has gone down to ZERO and has not increased in years and I have no current associates other than co-workers.

I am a very attractive woman. I go out of my way to look good and to dress well ( a few have mistaken this for vanity) but it isn't-- the only way that I can make it out of the house and through the day is if I have put 100% of effort into TRYING to at least LOOK good , because I definitely don't FEEL good. I feel like a mess. My problem especially sucks because I live in NYC where there are millions of people out 24 hours a day at all times. There are so many more attractive, more cool women out there who make me feel even more shitty about myself. I really stay in the house as much as I can so I do not have to be confronted by these beautiful people. I am constantly wearing my sunglasses and TAKING CABS to avoid eye contact with people and HATE HATE HATE walking around and taking the subway NY is a big coolness/ popularity conest and this is the WORST Place for me to be. I want to retreat into the suburbs or a quiet mall town somwhere ,where I can feel invisible and not have these feelings.

I hate walking down the street and even though I go out of my way to project a great OUTWARD appearance, I dread bumping into someone I know because I feel as if the interaction will be an INQUISITION of what I've been up to and WHERE I've "been hiding?" Even though I appear successful and fulfilled workwise, I still feel like a failure and that any day now. I will be exposed as a FAKE ( even though I'm not)

I get constant invitations to parties and get-togethers, but I DREAD attending them and my thoughts become overwhelmed with DREAD
until I cancel my plans and then i feel even SHITTIER for being a FLAKE. Even though I do not go to parties, I find myself CONSTANTLY looking at party pictures on the web and tormenting myself even more when I see all the attractive people out and having fun ( why do I do this?).

I am not afreaid of people. I just feel transparent and feel that my fears are outwardly exposed. I have no problem interacting with people of authority, co-workers or strangers, my problem arises when I am plagued by feeling of inadequacy and intimidation: I feel that I am being judged and scrutinized by them and that I will NEVER measure up. Either my hair feels a mess, my skin feels oily, I fear that my breath stinks, I fear that my butt/cleavage/belly is exposed and I feel that all DISAPPROVING eyes are on me.

I have a small business, but I feel that I have hit my own glass ceiling beacuse I can e-mail and phone-call my butt off, but when it comes to having meetings, conferences, networking and managing people, I feel weak and inferior. I know that I will have to overcome these fears if I want my business ( and LIFE) to grow.

I do not socialize at all. I am in GREAT relationship that enables me to mask my anxiety with "couple time" of staying home and vegging out in front of the TV . NO one knows about my problems.
I have noticed that the more I wathdraw myself from the world, the HARDER it is to re-join the world when I have to. I was FORCED to go to adinner party last month and I couldn't even FAKE IT. I felt like everone was looking at me and I felt that people could feel that my smile was fake. I didn't even know how to fake convesations with people-- It's definitely getting worse and it just needs to STOP

I think this started when I graduated from high school. My parents are wealthy, very strict and old fashioned. They constantly bug me to be a Dr / Lawyer and they don't mean to, but sometimes they treat me in a diisapproving way, as if my not making 6 figures is a dissappointment to them.

Please provide me with some suggestions and tell me where to start. I really want to LIVE my life. I am only 27 and am starting to feel like I will be unfulfilled, friendless and antisocial forever.

Wow, that felt great!


Well-known member
Please give me some suggestions. I just bared my soul and am at a total loss here.
Where should I begin. Does it sound like S.A.?

thank you in advance


Well-known member
hi i suffer from SA and have a lot of problems at work because of it, dealing with superiors,etc i think you are lucky you don't have problems at work and that you have a partner but i guess that doesn't help much does it? i think it might be a nyc thing everyone seems to be obssessed with their image there but thats just my opinion being australian and i probably shouldn't be judging something i haven't experienced. i have a partner and a few friends but we don't TRY too hard at our relationships eg attending parties going to birthdays buying presents, etc we just turn up when we feel like it and most of our friends still accept us for who we are, it is more important to us to spend time together we don't buy into all this keeping up with the jones' stuff. you have to do the things that are important to you, i think your real friends will accept this and these are the ones that are worth keeping. i hope this has helped.


hi skurred

hi skurred
I certainly understand how you feel, I may not be able to offer advice on how to overcome it because I myself am still going through it. It is an awful feeling, it makes you feel like you are missing out big time on life. People only see you for what you are on the outside and judge you when they have no idea what is going on inside you, they might think hey she is successful or will be big one day and they just cast you aside they think you have it made and that you are problem free, but they don't really know what is going on inside you, so I definitely do understand what you are going through, but at least you get invitations which is good, perhaps you should just try your luck in going to one of them and trying really hard to socialize even if it feels uncomfortable, I know it is hard, but keep us posted.


Well-known member
party anxiety

Network talk show is looking for guests for a show on party anxiety. Are you an outgoing person who gets surprisingly anxious about going to a party? Hate working a room and making small talk? Worried about what you look like, what to wear to a party? Do you absolutely hate to dance? Not know how to flirt? Then we are looking for YOU.

We are also looking for people who HATE throwing parties! Do you have a big party that you have to throw? Let us help you!

Send us an email at and tell us your story. Please also include a photo if possible.


Well-known member
party anxiety

Network talk show is looking for guests for a show on party anxiety. Are you an outgoing person who gets surprisingly anxious about going to a party? Hate working a room and making small talk? Worried about what you look like, what to wear to a party? Do you absolutely hate to dance? Not know how to flirt? Then we are looking for YOU.

We are also looking for people who HATE throwing parties! Do you have a big party that you have to throw? Let us help you!

Send us an email at [email protected] and tell us your story. Please also include a photo if possible.