brain tumor and depression..?


Well-known member
Has anyone ever heard such a thing or read any articles about brain tumors linked to depression? I guess im just tryin to find an answer to all this misery. I have an mri scheduled tomorrow due to excruciating headaches and ringing in the ears for the past 3 months. I hate admitting this but somewhere deep inside my head i really hope they tell me I have a brain tumor and not a lot longer to live. Or that maybe its whats been causin me to feel such anguish and depression for 10 yrs. I can honestly say i would be happy about it. I'm just so....exhausted of living.


Well-known member
Its most probably not brain tumor. Your head could hurt u coz many other things like u r too much at pc, maybe u need glasses, maybe not enough sleep, tired, maybe weather :p And ringing in ears many ppl have problems with that, get used to it :S


I posted in your earlier depressed thread about "treatment resistant depression treatment options". Have a look at some of the suggestions and relay them to your doctors.


If your depression is unresponsive to multiple anti-depressants repeatedly used, I would suggest ruling out any physical/environmental causes. For example environmental causes such as chronic carbon monoxide poisoning can induce depression, as well as many other symptoms. Physical causes such as a tumor can also cause depression.