
Have you had botox for your hyperhydrosis?

  • yes--it didn't work.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no--going to have it done.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I have hyperhydrosis and i've done everything there is besides botox.

My dermatologist has given me a bit of information on this, but i'm just wondering if anyone could share what else they know about it, thanks!


Well-known member
u should have given more options for the poll (presuming u can give more then 3)

mine worked about 75% well for 1st month 50% for 2nd n then just bk to normal shortly after that...not complete solution but at least something for short while


Botox is certainly not a permanent solution. My first underarm treatment lasted roughly two months also. I noticed the treatment slowly started to fade. By the end of two months my underarm sweating was reduced, but reverting back to normal (my underarm sweating used to be severe). The second treatment has lasted longer (or so it seems), I would estimate it to be about three months and my sweating is still under control (not completely gone, but reduced to a healthy amount - meaning that I sweat in moderate to little amounts when I work out). Hope this provides some insight. If you manage to have insurance cover the injections, I greatly recommend it.


Well-known member
Yeah, that's what my podiatrist told me. He said usually the first treatment can last anywhere from 3-9 months, usually shorter term though, and each subsequent treatment you get afterwards then starts to have longer term effects.


Well-known member
I had it done under my arms. It didn't work at all. I'm going to see another dermatologist and try it one more time.


Well-known member
Ive had it done about 5 times now and the only time it didnt work for me at all was when I had a shower almost straight after

so a tip is dont have a shower for a day or 2 even if you can after youve had the botox


Well-known member
If showering can wash the Botox out in a way... then wouldn't sweating kind of have the same effect?

Would suck to go through all this trouble only to sweat the Botox right back out after it's been injected lol...


Although I have only had the underarm injections twice, the first time I had it done my armpit was completely drenched in sweat. This did not prevent the botox from taking effect.
I'm somewhat skeptical that showering or sweating after the injections would cause the treatment to not work... I don't understand how that would be possible. Just my two cents.


i've been getting botox injections in the armpits since 2004. They last about 8 months and I get them done at Bridges medical in Oakland, even though I'm from San Diego. I've noticed some derms say they know what they are doing, but don't really when it comes down to it, and I had to learn that the hard way.


Well-known member
iDShaDoW said:
If showering can wash the Botox out in a way... then wouldn't sweating kind of have the same effect?

Would suck to go through all this trouble only to sweat the Botox right back out after it's been injected lol...

well after the injections u should be dry more or less straight away so wouldnt worry about sweating out the botox kinda thing


Well-known member
dkurtz said:
Although I have only had the underarm injections twice, the first time I had it done my armpit was completely drenched in sweat. This did not prevent the botox from taking effect.
I'm somewhat skeptical that showering or sweating after the injections would cause the treatment to not work... I don't understand how that would be possible. Just my two cents.

well I think it could make it not work because you would still have open little holes in your armpit and so washing them with soapy water may then get into the holes and either wash out the botox or make it diluted and so not make it work

I was advised by the original doctor I had not to shower for 2 days after which I didnt and it always worked then I had a different person do it and they said u can wash straight after which I did and was then it didnt work so...