Boston Area - Headaches, Anxiety and Alienation


Well-known member
I'm trying to find people in my area who are grappling with the same issues I am. I've lived with heahaches for as long as I can remember. I also have severe social anxiety and stammering issues. I have a low threshold for dealing with family and friends and prefer my own company to others. I get mentally exausted quickly after a few minutes of talking and quickly lose the ability to follow along with conversations. I've seen several neurologists, psychologists and neuro-pyschologist and, inexplicably, I have yet to get a label or diagnosis other than generic social anxiety or depression. I don't think what I have is as simple SA. I'm now quite convinced I have ASD -Asperger's/ HFA/ NTD & persistent pressure headache which I think are related. ASD certainly explains the difficulty I have relating to people and also how people completely misunderstand my intentions which contributes to my alienation. I feel pretty Isolated and would like to find at least one person who's going through this.
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