Books that changed your life


Why I Am Not A Christian by Bertrand Russell. I'd felt like I was the only atheist on the planet and it made me feel so much better. It might have saved my life. No other book comes close.

Speed Cleaning. It made cleaning my house easier, which made me more motivated to actually do it.

John Robins book about veganism. I went vegetarian, then vegan and have been one for many years.

That's all I can think of right now...


Well-known member
For me it was The Secret and some Kabbalah books that can be found online. I'm surprised no one mentioned The Secret here. :O


Well-known member
White Oleander. I just feel like I had so much in common with Astrid. I mean I wasn't in foster homes, but just I went through so much that Astrid went through and when I read the book, it literally makes me cry every time. Sometimes I feel like Astrid and I are the same person almost, personality wise. It's the weirdest thing.

I dream of going to the master's program that Janet Fitch teaches at at University of Southern CA. I feel like she would teach me so much.
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