Bodoit for iontophoresis machines


New member

This is my first post so may or may not be of any use.
I've just finish a 3month course treatment of ionsophoresis using a idrostar pro machine, what i didn't know at the start of the treatment is that different water's can make a diffrence to the success. The hospital team that i delt with said a trial in france on diffent mineral water had made a massive differnce and the one recommended for use was something called Badoit it comes out of the ground already carbonated nothing added to it. I have only managed to find this water in Morrison(uk). The water can be reused after each treatment and doesn't need to be thrown away.
Anybody thinking about having ets it was the best thing i had done 16.5yrs ago, i have stone cold hands now but i couldn't carry on as i was.
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Well-known member
interesting! I will be looking for that brand in my local Morrisons lol!

where was most of your sweating before your ETS surgery? I have HH on my hands,feet and sometimes armpits in really stressful situations..and what did they cut in your surgery? i.e T2..??


New member
As far as i remember it was mainly in my hands, but saying that i'm going back to about 7/8yrs of age when i fell of the apperatus at school because of the sweat, they dripped. My feet are bad but i can't put an age to that, it's only when i wanted to wear open shoes or heals that i noticed, as i couldn't walk in them because of the sweat they would slipout the front or fall of, i might have well have been wearing wellies. Under arms same as you,really bad when nervious or in a stress full/difficult situation, sorted that in interviews i wear a suit and don't take the jacket off, if meeting someone then i have a winged jumper so the sweat doesn't hit the material.
Ref ETS don't know which i had i was 17yrs old, i told them i didn't need the details as my older sister had already had the op. I have 2 very small non noticable scars under each arm, i have a few side effects but they outway the effect my hands were having, i couldnt write, change nappies but you'll know how it is. My sister on the other hand has about a 8cm scar under each arm and has never been able to shave since, her ribs were to close togetter and they couldnt get the camera in to do key hole so they had to cut her, she has secondery sweating on her back and a slight druppy eye as they damaged a nerve. But even so i don't think to this day we could have got a job. we both get stone cold hands, but once warmed up their fine, i'm nearly 34 now and would have it done again with out question. My kids have tacky hands but nothing like me, it has to run through families. Just bought an idrostar 2nd hand, i've just finished a course of treatment at the hospital but i need top up ever week, what i have noticed is the base of my feet don't sweat whilst having it but the sides do, and i've had a fantastic result under the pits only have to top up about evey ten days.