
Its such a crazy horrible stupid thing

I blush in the most ridiculous and random situations

One time ill be fine, and the next ill blush! :oops:

For example, someone will say, what you doing this weekend? And ill blush!

For no reason whatsoever!

And the most annoying one when i was younger, was when someone farts...and I blush even though it isnt me, its INSANE


Active member
I know how you feel, happens to me all the time. Its such a downer because it really makes you stick out from the crowd, when really you don't want to be seen at all.


Well-known member
I'll be doing fine in a conversation, then I'll realize I'm finally not blushing, then that triggers it, and I blush. So frustrating.


That happens to me all the time. I volunteered to read in class the other day, and after a few lines I thought to myself 'hey, Im not blushing' and it triggered it. I cant keep my mind off it. :eek:
ALL of you are not alone. I find that all it takes for me to blush, is for someone I know to come up to me in the mall and say hi and talk for a few minutes. Why is that? I think that anytime we feel a focus on us, we become so aware that we may blush, that we actually do. Hang in there!
a rainbow of pink & red

ALL of you are not alone. I find that all it takes for me to blush, is for someone I know to come up to me in the mall and say hi and talk for a few minutes. Why is that? I think that anytime we feel a focus on us, we become so aware that we may blush, that we actually do.It's not an attractive blush either, it's all "patchy" and on-even. Does anyone get this same blotchiness? Hang in there!
a rainbow of pink & red

ALL of you are not alone. I find that all it takes for me to blush, is for someone I know to come up to me in the mall and say hi and talk for a few minutes. Why is that? I think that anytime we feel a focus on us, we become so aware that we may blush, that we actually do.It's not an attractive blush either, it's all "patchy" and un-even. Does anyone get this same blotchiness?Please let me know. Hang in there!


Yeah I get the same kind of blushing as you. I don't really blush on my face. I get a red blotchy rash on my neck & chest when I'm anxious, it's like a nerve rash as I don't get it from being embarassed but from stress/anxiety & in social situations (even just bumping into someone at the shops). And fearing it's going to happen makes it usually happen. Now I take beta blockers & don't get the rash. I had some friends visit me that I haven't seen for over a year (was feeling a bit stressed about it) & usually I would have had the rash but it didn't appear once. The rash had made me stop doing social things but this med takes it away o I'm more confident & do go out now.



Has your GP ever suggested an anti-dep for that...if so how did it go..or if not make an enquiry about it with him/ medicos they will have a good idea if this is the right thing to do or not....


i feel your pain! i never used to blush and now all of the sudden i blush like crazy! im talking bright red sweating, feeling faint kind of blushing! now if i see someone i know when im not expecting it, it triggers it even if i like that person! or god forbid my teacher asks me something in front of the class...forget about it...dont know what to do but dont worry you're not alone!!