would you think someone was strange/weird if you spoke to them & they went bright red with embar

  • yes, i'd think they look stupid & must have serious confidence issues!

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  • yes, i'd think they must be crazy!

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Well-known member
hi. i don't blush :D , guess why. i don't because i am black 8) . i have SA it is really hard but i am lucky being black, if i were white then i would be so embarrassed. Unforrtunately i have something which is also so bad, i have excessive sweating (or HH) it makes me so nervous :(


Well-known member
hi there, blushing was my main reason that my SA got so bad. in high school and middle school and even now it's soooo easy for me to blush. i was terrified of people seeing me blush and the worst thing anything could say to me was "you're turning red". alot of my phobia isn't "i'm afraid of what people think and their judgements and that they'll be able to tell i'm nervous" but more "i'm afriad of what they think and that they'll see me blush" so i feel your pain.

to this day i wear my hair down everyday i know i'm going out in case i need to hide. i don't know how well it works but it makes me feel less exposed anyway.

i also find myself testing myself sort of whenever i can. like if i'm talking to someone and i feel particularly calm, i try looking them in the eye longer, building up a tolerance i guess, and when i do blush i just try and breathe and immediately take my mind off of it. meds help b/c then i feel less anxious and am less likily to blush.

if you can find an escape route for when you blush, it makes it less scarey to go into trigger situations and know you can handle it. for me it was my hair and practicing with people. hope this helps, but unfortunately it just takes time and basically *getting over* the fear... i wish it was easier.


Well-known member
hi, im a blusher :oops: ooo, there i go again! This might seem odd, but the event probably most likely to make me blush is if i walk out of a shop and the alarm goes off- i look so guilty! aggggg nightmare! I have no idea how to overcome it tho, the thought of blushing is even worse than the actual blushing! vicious circle?
bexi, i feel your pain lol its actually happened 2 me a couple of times when an alarm goes off whilst walking out of a shop,
p.s. im not a thief :lol:
suprisingly i find im less likely 2 blush infront of people i dont know!
im more likely 2 blush in situations like family meal or most of all when aproached by attractive females, the worst of all place 4 me is at work, where colleages have seen me blush in the past its like my body feels its my duty 2 do it again next time i c them because i instantly remember the last time it happened & once again sets off the embaressment feeling!
this is a big hurdle 4 me making everyday at work a challenge & i can honestly say that me being ready 2 blush is on my mind litterally the whole working day. :roll:

coming back 2 your point bexi of "the vicious circle"

thats exactly what it is, like ive posted in other forums, i strongly believe... that these tactics of trying 2 work out ways 2 get out of a situation when it arises is the completely wrong way 2 go about it!
by doing this u have allready told yourself u r going 2 blush, therefore u have triggered your bodys anxiety "vicious circle" before an uncomfortable situation has even occured, by using these preperation tactics u make yourself volnerable which means as soon as someone makes u feel uncomfortable... BANG! there u go,blushing again lol :oops:

im not saying everyone should take my advice, everyone is different & can find there own methods, but i'd like 2 know if people r finding this effective?


Well-known member
yeah, i've always felt more comfortable around strangers than people i know b/c strangers are less likily to detect me being nervous or acting weird or less likily to point out that i am blushing should i be doing so... but i've always felt that way. blushing is like a big billboard sign over my head "LOOK AT ME I HAVE SOCIAL PHOBIA" and our bodies are like, betraying us. ugh...


New member

hi,im new here but felt that i had to post a little message regarding my trials and tribulations with various treatments for blushing. i have blushed since leaving school(started for no apparant reason!!) it has been a burden ever since and i am now 34(m) i have visited therapists and hypnotists all to no avail. in desperation i underwent the e,t,s surgery and unfortunately after initially thinking it had worked, it didnt. having done some more reaserch i looked into beta blockers. my blushing seems to start for the stupidest of reasons like seeing someone i know in the supermarket or someone tapping me on the shoulder to say hi, my heart would race and the blushing would be instant.
I decide to try a bete blocker called propranolol in small 10mg tablets, and i have to say the effects have been remarkable. i can feel a complete sense of calm 20 mins after taking one and decided to put them to the test by wandering round town looking for people i knew, just to talk to them and see if i got that awful feeling of my heart racing followed by the extreme heat of blushing, and it just didnt happen.
im not going to say this is a cure all method but it has really helped me and i sincerely hope that it MAY be a solution for someone else.
i dont take them all the time just 1/2 hr before i know im going to venture out or before a particularly vulnerable situation like WORK!!

ill report back in a few months just in case i get tolerant to them and they no longer work.
elo jamiem,
nice post mate, thanx 4 ur input, im a lil suprised 2 hear the ETS didnt work! i thought it stopped the actual blushing but had other bad side effects! glad 2 hear the pills r workin, even if it is 4 just half an hour! hope all goes well.
it all started 4 me around the same time as u (last couple of years at school) & 2 b honest ive allways thought 2 myself it will just go away 1 day, no disrespect but i feel 4 u that ur 34 & still sufferin, i hope 2 god im well by that time but i spose its not likely!
im actually goin 4 my 1st hypnotherapy session in 4 days, ive heard it doesnt work but im at a stage where im willin 2 try anythin!
any chance u could elaberate on ur hypnotherapy experiance?

thanx & look 4ward 2 ur reply


New member
hi kickback, many thanks for the comments, firstly i have to add though that the pills last longer than 1/2 hour! what i meant was that i take one 1/2 hr before i encouter a stressfull situation, and they last for around 3 hours i guess, the only side effect i can think of is slightly bizarre dreams!!!
my hypnosis experience was i little disappointing really. it was a hypnotist in aberdeen and basically he takes you back to early memories and tries to find what triggered the anxiety. i certainy wasnt in a deep sleep or nothing and it lasted for about 40 minutes. you feel like you are compelled to participate in the digression but afterwards it had no effect on me really.

i would certainly recommend it though as there is always a chance it will work. i guess i hoped it would tap into my mindset and train my brain to ignore the trigger signals but alas it did not.

hope you have better luck mate


Hello all,

I'm 35 (f) and unfortunately still suffering from SA/SP/Blushing and have done to varying degress since I was around 14years old. I've tried the hypnotherapy route too, however he just kept on delving into my past to try and figure out a trigger, just as previously mentioned. I'm currently off work at the moment, the total exhaustion I felt from constantly being on my guard, ready to control my blushing if I interacted with anyone, my heart racing constantly was just too much and i'm taking the next couple of months off. I'm on anti depressants as i'm just worn down now and at an incredibly low ebb. It's been great to see so many others feel the same, prob not great for you guys though....but what concerns me is my age, everyone else here is so much younger. Am I the only over 30 to still suffer??? Any suggestions or useful thoughts from anyone else?
hello again peeps,
shycrow 2 b honest as far as i no every1 who has this problem has it 4 life, ive never heard a success story! & if there is any i think the ppl must b pretty selfish not 2 share with us. ive just learnt 2 accept now that i gota live with it, mine gets better & worse but im just tryin 2 find that level where i can deal with it!
ive had 3 hypnotherapy sessions now & i go once a week, i cant c it solvin my problem atall but its certainly givin me a new way of thinkin & help me accept that this isnt my fault, its just something that triggered from shit that happened in my life, i find wen i leave the therapy session i feel happier & refreshed & more ready 4 the days challenges, altho hypnotherapy isnt a cure i do believe ppl who suffer with the blushing problem should maybe try it bcoz it definetly helped me, even if it was slightly! im still continuin 2 go & will do 4 some time.
i dont mean 2 think negative but its hard not 2, at the same time i dont like 2 build false hope. maybe some things we just have 2 accept!
i hope u & i both get better but whether we will or not is a different matter!


Well-known member
The reason why i have voted yes is because that is my problem confidence issues, even i would think that of someone because its like that with me. Errrrm some might say that i should understand because i suffer with it, but my feelings are....... that i am stupid and i do hate blushing and it is stupid to blush and i hate having confidence issues...... INFACT I CANT STAND IT BECAUSE INSIDE I AM FUN CARING CONFIDENT AND ATTRACTIVE........ So what i guess what i am trying to say what f**k is wrong with me

** sorry if i have offended anyone, these are just my feelings


New member
Facial Blushing

What i have come to realise is that it is not the blushing itself that i have a problem with, it is just my attitude towards it.

If you tell yourself that blushing is not a big deal and that it doesnt matter if you blush or not, then the symptoms will start to ease.

You need to have the "so fucking what is i blush" mentality and it will get better. Also if you do blush try not to make a big deal out of it. Stay calm and keep eye contact with people.

These are all good tips. I also find that propranonol helps and would recommend it to anyone.


Active member
Have you ever thought this cos it's how I got over it.......
My mind thinks .....I don't want to be noticed
and my repressed feelings were.......I want to be noticed, recognised, acknowledged, accepted etc
What lesson, body reaction would be a good way to gain attention in self and from others or the imbalance in one's mind and emotions? The ultimate give away of self, the one that allows us to not be able to show the mask of faking, the one that is helplessly standing there as a wounded pained soul! Blushing! :)
What a great gift to work with! Can you trust the world, can you trust yourself? It's a trust issue :)


Hi, Sorry I've come to this thread so late but I have phases where I don't log on for a while. Anyway why I'm posting this reply is really in response to ShyCrow's post about the age thing. I am now 38 years old and I have suffered from chronic blushing for the past 26 years. However, I want to let you know that I am a lot better than I used to be and while I would never say that I have beaten it completely I can cope with it a lot better.
When I was young it was so terrible that I was constantly picked on at school which destroyed my confidence and I spent the next 20 years trying to become self-confident. I am now able to hold down a job. Its true that I still suffer from blushing and depressions because of the way I am but most days I get by.
The thing that saddens me the most is that I have been left with a self-loathing and very low self-esteem and so I don't believe I will ever be able to get close to anyone and I always so wanted to fall in love and marry and have a family. As the big 40 approaches, I know this is not going to happen which hurts but if I can avoid thinking of this then I seem to cope with the days. One thing that really helped me was having a loving mum and dad and although I never discussed my problem with them I always was lucky enough to have them as a lifeline.
Looking back, I think that if I could have come to terms with my problem without hardening my feelings and becoming so defensive then it would now be possible for me to try to find someone special. I guess what i am saying is that there is always hope for a better tomorrow for everyone. Believe me there were times, and I mean lots and lots of times, in the past 26 years when I would have gladly died to stop the hurting but you have to hold on to hope as hard as that can be. I don't believe that any of us are put on this planet to have thoroughly miserable lives and you just don't know what the future might bring.
With respect to your survey, the older you get the less people care if you are different. When I was a kid and blushed everyone laughed and picked on me. As an adult if they laugh, I just walk away and think "**** them".
Good luck, everyone.


i myself am a blusher! i think this is 1 of the main reasons i have developed sp. i still remember the first time i went red and funnely enough its on video tape! :cry: it was at a wedding and i was the page boy, i was 7 and it was at the main dinner, i had to open a present given to me by the bride and groom and ofcourse all eyes were on me. i dread it when the family say lets watch the wedding tape cos i always go red when i c it lol.