Birth Control ladies?


Well-known member
Has anyone tried birth control?

I just started it about maybe... two weeks ago and it's basically putting hormones in your body and estrogen makes moods go all over the place so as soon as i started taking it i got depressed.

i'm told that it's just the first month that you take it until your body gets used to the new hormone routine... any advice ladies?


Well-known member
yeah take it! ive got too toddlers and beleive me i wish id taken the pill :lol:
seriousley try it if you have any problems contact your g.p he may be able to change it , im thinking of getting the implant there isnt supposed to be any side affects with it.


Well-known member
i heard the opposite, that your sex drive goes way up, and i need that since i'm on an anti-depressant. but like i say, i think my paxil dosage is too low b/c i've been on and off it and i'm back on but not at the dose i was before, it's lower now.

but the depression is wearing off and i've just been up and down up and down and i holed myself up in my dorm room (i know, the worst thing i can do) and didn't go to class all week (and i'm payin for it too with my grades) and slept as much as i could.

but i forced myself to go to class today and i feel better.

thanks for your words, i'm going to keep taking it so hopefully all will go well.

also to add i did notice other things that happen like breaking out really bad, naseua, things like that. so i'll try not to worry about it too much.

i'm on the lowest possible hormone level, i'm on ortho-trycyclen low but i talked to a pharmacist and she said they offer some with out estrogen in them so there's always another possibility.



Active member
I have recently started taking the pill again (Microgynon 30) and talk about

spots, and I have put on some weight do you think its because of the

hormones? I know its early days but I hate it :cry:
I recommend every gal with anxiety should be on the pill, you have less rollercoaster moods than when you are not on the pill.

I've been taking it for years- I have kept on an extra 5 pounds from it but if my sex drive is lower I sure haven't noticed!


Well-known member
I use Dianette. It's primarily to control my acne (it works too - not a spot for almost a year now!), but it is a form of birth control aswell. For the first month I felt absoloutely terrible; feeling very ill every morning, fainting, and moods all over the place. I seriously considered stopping, but decided to percevere because my acne was getting me down so badly. I'm so glad I did - I wouldn't be without it now!

(and there's been no weight gain either!)


Well-known member
still-in-my-shell said:
I recommend every gal with anxiety should be on the pill, you have less rollercoaster moods than when you are not on the pill.

I've been taking it for years- I have kept on an extra 5 pounds from it but if my sex drive is lower I sure haven't noticed!

Well its not the same for everyone, the pill (I've tried 2 types) made me feel like shite, to be frank. :lol: Think I'd rather go for the op where they microwave your uterus. 8)


Well-known member
haha! what operation is that??

i think i'd rather have it all taken out - adopt - and not have to worry about it again!

also just take my seritonin receptors, recievers, producers, seritonin itself - i'm done. i quit! :lol: i'm tired of hormones!! they ruin everything!!!


Well-known member
Hehe but isn't it fun showing people all your pill bottles and making out your a pyscho?! :D

I was reading a page today that said:

If all else fails, and the symptoms drive you to it, an operation to remove your womb (hysterectomy) is an option, and more recently an operation using lasers or microwave technology has been used to remove the lining of the womb (endometrium), while leaving the rest of the womb behind.

Ew! Crazy! But I'm considering it for my physical problems which at the mo are interfering with my life more than my SP. 8O

*pops some tic-tacs and wishes they were pills*


Well-known member
Gave me migraines and I tried different kinds but it was the same. Tri-cyclen was the better of the few for me.


Well-known member
yeah, i'm on ortho tri-cyclen... low! oi!

ah i hear ya mamba, and i have to ask it just b/c i always wanted to ask someone this question...

what's up with your uterus??

ok not really but seriously, everything ok? i mean, obviously it's not ok, but are you gonna be ok? what's up?


Well-known member
I can't take birth control...I've tried different ones(used to take them cause my period was irregular---I bled way too much)...but some certain ones make me feel nauseus all the time and others give me horrible acne... I can't deal with either of those things. So maybe it's kinda good I'm (and will always be) a loser virgin with no boyfriend. :roll:


Well-known member
LittleMissScareAll said:
I can't take birth control...I've tried different ones(used to take them cause my period was irregular---I bled way too much)...but some certain ones make me feel nauseus all the time and others give me horrible acne... I can't deal with either of those things. So maybe it's kinda good I'm (and will always be) a loser virgin with no boyfriend. :roll:

Theres nothing wrong with been a virgin,im 20 almost 21 and still remain a virgin,it doesnt bother me that much,i know when the times right with the right person it will be a great experiance.


Well-known member
Chilling__Echo said:
yeah, i'm on ortho tri-cyclen... low! oi!

ah i hear ya mamba, and i have to ask it just b/c i always wanted to ask someone this question...

what's up with your uterus??

ok not really but seriously, everything ok? i mean, obviously it's not ok, but are you gonna be ok? what's up?

ok not really but seriously? :lol:

Well ok, not really....but yeah seriously, its not a massive life threatening problem, just something annoying. My body has loads of 'annoying' little ailments none of which are serious enough to warrant any self-pity. :p

So you've always wanted to ask someone that question huh? :lol:


Active member
I'm taking tri-cyclen lo too because i was on regular pack but, i was way to emotional and my thyroid gland swelled out and was sore.


Well-known member
i just switched to the pill last month. it's been great i have yet to get a period. except for at the end of this sentence.

ok... i'm just plain weird.


Well-known member
I would be worried about taking any form of birth control pill, OMG what would all that eastrogen do to me...??? I mean i haven't got pregnant yet EVER, and i've never ever used a pill........ :p

OOOPS sorry must be my feminine side coming out :twisted: :p



Well-known member
Greenade said:
I would be worried about taking any form of birth control pill, OMG what would all that eastrogen do to me...??? I mean i haven't got pregnant yet EVER, and i've never ever used a pill........ :p

OOOPS sorry must be my feminine side coming out :twisted: :p


hmmm... i never thought about that... should i just stop then? can i stop cold turkey? omg! i don't know what to do.. i'm scared...