Best Ionto Machine in US?


Active member
Is the Fischer MD-1A the best ionto machine available in the US? This will be mainly used for the hands and feet. I've tried the Drionic device in the past and it was not very effective at all and felt like torture (probably because my hands were pretty cut up then). Can I expect to feel pain while using the Fischer MD-1A (or other more effective ionto machines)?

Thanks in advance.

edit: I'd also like to know if anyone has been reimbursed by their insurance company for the machine. I can't seem to find the form to give to my doctor on the Fischer site so if someone can point me to where that is at that will be great.


Well-known member
The pain is from the electric current. Doubt the change in machine will change that.

Think the Fischer is the best (most expensive) available in the US. Goes for like $600-700.

I had United Health Care and they wouldn't cover the machine although they'd cover Botox which is just as expensive if not moreso for just 1 treatment (pretty stupid of them if you ask me).

Here's the sample letter of medical necessity from the Fischer site:


Active member
Thanks for the reply.

Like I said, my hands were pretty cut up then so would it still hurt even though my hands are healed now? I hear the average person just feels small tingles with Drionic. What does it feel like with the Fischer?

And do I just print out that letter and give it to my doctor?


Well-known member
Yeah, it's probably the cuts that caused it to hurt.

I don't have a Fischer myself since my insurance wouldn't reimburse me for it but I"m fairly sure it'd be the same exact thing.

I feel the initial jolt when I place my hands or feet in the water, after that it just itches more than anything. If I have mosquito bites or breaks in my skin anywhere it might burn in those spots.

You can place vaseline over cuts and things like that. I also tend to feel the current along the waterline where my wrists are.

As for the letter, just print it out, give it to your doctor and tell him you got it from the Fischer website. He can have his assistant or someone retype it and change parts of the letter to customize it for you.


Active member
Thank you for the offer, but I probably won't get it for a while.

Has anyone had any positive experiences with the Fischer? How long have you been using it? Please tell me your story!

Btw, I hate Drionic. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :wink:


best will be the idromed with pulsed current

The Idromed 5 PC - in my eyes the best machine avialable -
cant be compared to a fisher - plays in another league
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