Best Careers for People with SA?


For people who already have a good amounf of money (ok i realize it's probably less than 1%), being an investor is really good. Good investors have to spend a lot of time analyzing companies to find bargains in the market (value investing, the only investing strategy that is consistently successful in the long term). A lot of numbers, and time alone analyzing balance sheets and stuff. Really fun. And can make A LOT of money. If you already have a good amount :?


I thought of a good one that I'm going to give a try. I'm going to sandblast rocks or glass customized to whatever the customer wants, for example, a big stone company sign, a big rock in front of a house with the name and house number, etching on glass doors, car windows, etc. That's only a few things I'll be able to do with this sandblasting thing. People will buy rocks to put in their gardens with their favorite sports team logo on them, a funny saying, or just a plain welcome sign with a nice design on it.

The reason I think this is a good job for people like us is that most of the work is done on your own, in your own peronal space (except for those big jobs where you have to go on location, but the money I'd get for something I can't do in-house is enough to cure any anxieties I might have haha... Maybe a few klonopin to too but whatever it takes... I don't know I really need a creative outlet and I think this is the one for me. I already invested in a $2500 machine for it so it better be the job for me haha... I actually threw down half with my parents, they're gonna take care of a lot of selling projects and I'm just gonna do the sandblasting. It's gonna be a pretty tight operation if things go as planned, lol...




New member
If you're into science and aren't grossed out easily, clinical laboratory technology might be something to look into!

It takes about two years of chemistry, microbiology, hematology, blood banking, parasitology, urinalysis, immunology/virology and a clinical rotation to finish a certificate or associates degree program. After passing a national certification test, theres all kinds of things you're qualified to do.

I could never do any kind of nursing job because of all the patient interaction, but in the lab all you have to do is interact with their body fluids :)