Being patronized


Well-known member
Today I was called 'such a poppet' at work. Not in a malicious way at all, but they don't realise how saying things like that crush me inside. This is what I meant when I said they don't see me as an adult at work... when you're 20 getting on for 21 and working full time, with it coming from people only slightly older than you, it's no longer funny :(

They're completely right though. I'm so naive. But then asking how to stop being naive is naive in itself, so I've probably answered my own question...


Active member
Same!! My friends are always saying how I'm so innocent and naive.. pisses me off so much even though I know they don't mean to be mean or anything. Sometimes I just feel like saying summat like, 'why are you so patronising!!' but whenever I stand up for myself like that they'd just be like.. 'omg she's turned nasty!' arghhh


There are no stupid questions, only people too shy to ask them ;)

You are not giving us a lot of details on your situations, but you should try to talk to those people and explain them how you are feeling. It's a hard thing to do but what's a few minutes compared to a whole life ? Just take your time and find the right opportunity ! :)

There's a lot of chances that they don't even notice how they are acting. I bet they will only feel ashamed and slightly stupid when you will explain them what they are doing !


Well-known member
Thanks. Yeah, I feel bad for even making this thread to be honest. They really don't mean anything by it. I can take being called that. I'm just annoyed because they're right! :lol:

Also, in other news...

Today during a break I was going to join a couple of the people I work with where everyone tends to meet outside (not everyone at the same time, lol). I can hide behind a wall before I do and I've not felt fear like that for a long time. It was like going on stage. I walked out and they were going back in... damn ;)

We had a fire alarm go off as well. When people are outside in their little groups - even people I know - it just doesn't feel right to but in. It's so awkward!