Being Embarrassed


Well-known member
Being embarrassed is the only thing setting me back from being "normal." I hope you know what I mean by normal...I'm far from being normal...but...well, you get the idea.

I'm afraid to speak my mind in fear someone might think I'm stupid, I'm scared to eat at restaurants because I'd be embarassed if someone saw me with food on my face, I'm worried about being at the mall because I'm worried I'll embarrass myself by the way I walk or the way I look.

I don't want to be embarrassed about the way I am. I like the way I truly am, I'm just scared nobody else will.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way. This summer I'm trying to combat being embarrassed. I'm doing little activities which would normally make my face red to get used to them and realise that nobody cares or even notices. This is my plan anyways. :roll:

Any thoughts or ideas?


Well-known member

Youre post reminds me of one of my favorite book called (Dying of embarassment) Its the root cause of our SA. We are endlessly worried about being embarassed.

My suggestion as alwayse is to practice on other members. Add people to your contack list and trade instan messages. You can even add voice chats.

Also keep on posting. Its a great confident builder.


Well-known member
Welcome to the world of sa! The fear of embarassment is something i battle with 24 7, i just wish i could do things without caring what people thought.