Being bored better than being anxious?

When your'e alone do you get really bored when not doing anything(as in going out,meeting people) but prefer it to being anxious?

When im bored i get really depressed but i sometimes think its better then being anxious and making a fool out of myself in social situations like i always do.


Well-known member
Perhaps sometimes, to give yourself a rest from the trauma of it all, but never give up trying because sometimes it'll be ok and that's such a high :D


Well-known member
Lately ive forced myself into going out even if i don't like it.
I just stamp my feet and say 'RIGHT YOUR GOING OUT WEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT MATE! ' and it seems to kick my courage into gear.
Just out with the dog or down to the lake on my own and because ive got into a routine, when i am on my own bored and depressed i just want to go out!

I can't believe how much i have changed because before i was content just sitting on my own and being alone because of the anxiety and now i realise how sad i was.
I'm not calling you sad because ive been in the same situation and know how it is, and its hard work getting into a routine of going out

I just wish i had some trusty friends then i would be out a lot more i think


Well-known member
Interesting question.

If I'm in my normal state I'd rather be anxious. You can lay in bed and be bored and feel as if you've wasted a day...but if you do something, even if you worry about it, at least you can feel that great sense of achievement.

Yesterday I attended an old school friend's wedding ceremony. It was a highly religious affair which I didn't totally understand. A lot of the time I felt out of place and akward, but now when I'm bored I can think about what I did rather than feel sad that I didn't even try.

However, being my deep depressed state I would have to say that boredom outweights anxiety easily! But I don't get bored easily, so maybe my answer doesn't count. Hehe. :p


Well-known member
Yeah, I too tend to get bored( I look forward to evenings so I can watch prime time tv, & its not like I even like the shows that much) & depressed.

But when I am out there trying, on top of being anxious, I get depressed as well (from thinking how badly I have messed up). Go figure :roll:

But I still get out, go shopping alone, see my therapist etc. As long as I don't need to interact socially (as in make friends or hold extended conversations, I am fine), going out makes me sort of have some sort of thing to do & keeps the depression away...


Well-known member
I never get bored when I'm alone... I have too many hobbies. I only get bored when I'm with other people. And yeah, I prefer to be bored than anxious.


Well-known member
Not real sure what i prefer...if im alone and bored i get a headache because ill start worrying about something, but im not a fan of being anxious either...i'd probably prefer bored over anxious since i'm more used to being bored and i hate change i guess.


New member
I think both are equally bad... because i'd be at home wishing that i had gone out and done something, but then when i am out doing something I get so bothered and embarassed that I think that it'd be better if i had stayed at now when I am bored insted of wishing that I was out I wish that I didn't have my problem so I could go out and do what i want to do.


Well-known member
i prefer to be anxious. When im alone at home i tend to get bored and when i bored i start know going deep into my thoughts about how i feel about everything, where i'm going, who i am all those philosophical questions and i get totally worked up and for ages i cant cope with anything. i jsut get so depressed about it all and i think it aggravates my SA more than anything because i start thinknig how much oi hate myself and the way i do things, and i can persuade myself that everyone hates me.
Going out might make me really scared and want to be home or whatever, but at least my mind is just on the one thing: get through this, you can do it..trying to be confident stuff..and i find that better than being bored.
I guess im lucky in that i can get out, im not bad enough to be house bound.