Being 18 & living with Hyperhidrosis


hey wear black or white

hey everone,

to prevent emabaressment i wear black or white t-shirts only
when i go out . when i go to work i would put heaps oh dri clor the night before.


I'm actually 14 and i have suffered from HH my whole life even as a baby. It's the worst thing and I always ask "WHY ME?!." If I'm in class I constantly wipe my hands so much my jeans will no longer absorb the sweat. I'm so embarrassed about this that I try to avoid physical contact and when I do I feel my face getting hot. In the summer I wear tank tops, but even if it's winter I can NEVER wear a regular t-shirt with sleeves. I wish someone came up with a permanent cure that wouldn't have negative side effects. I'm interested in ETS, but the side affects don't seem worth it. I've read many bad stories saying it ruined their lives and then I hear the opposite. Hopefully I won't have to deal with this my whole life. It really interferes with who I am and what I want to do. This forum caught my attention and the only thing that helps is knowing I'm not alone.


hey im 18 , i have bad armpit sweating and really bad facial sweating. I change my black t shirt about 3 times aday . I cant get work becuase of it and my social like is shot. Iv had 1 gf who , in turn , left me for that reason , (the older people probly know what situtuaiton im talking bout ). I hate it so much . The summer is now over and i left my hosue a total of 4 times to do social things . An now thanks to this , im gaining weight and ending up with massive amounts of stretch marks . i swear , i cannot win .(p.s i use persper x , its works really well , but my family is low income so i cant afford to use it daily)